

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Weekend Gossip Vol. 4 - Back from Vacation!

flower at IIT Guwahati macro shot
one of my fav shots :)

Hi Everyone!! How are you doing?? Yup, considering I have been absent from the blog scene for almost 15 days and a lot has happened in between, I decided to make this tedious Monday a gossip for my entire absence. 

Before I begin, for all those who have commented and sent me queries, a big thanks to you all and please give me sometime to catch up :)

Now, getting back, let me tell you it was hell of 15 days for me and I have never yet had a more hectic time in life where I have had so much fun and so less work :D

I shall definitely be posting on all the things slowly. In fact, I am planning to put up the travel posts so that I can chronicle all the things I did and may be bring the places I have been to to life for you all so that I can tempt you to visit those places :D

Btw, I shall be doing all those posts on my other blog and I shall soon get the domain name for that as well so that I can concentrate more on it as well :) If you are interested, you can join me there :)

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