Ok, so this is a question for you all! What do you think? Milk or eating dairy products everyday increase the weight?
Well, in my opinion, yes it does! I have been without milk for almost a year or more and I had noticed a drastic decrease in my weight. Also, its not only my experience but one of the guy colleague who is literally paranoid about weight attests the fact.
Well, some do say that it actually depends on person to person as to what contributes in their weight increase or decrease. To a lot of extent, that is absolutely true!
But, when it comes to milk, there are quite a lot of milk types - whole milk, toned, skimmed and what not! Honestly, I can't even understand what toned, doubled toned and skimmed are for but anyways they are different levels of milk processing.
Now, whole milk has maximum amount of calories and skimmed non-fat milk has least amount. And, many people are used to adding sugar in milk so that adds extra calories to the body thus resulting in weight gain.
On the other hand, it comes as a boon for underweight people. Drinking two glasses of milk a day can improve your weighty issues. Also, milk mainly contains proteins which improve the muscle mass. So, a healthy dose of exercise is required to fight off that muscle mass in unhealthy weight gain.
Now before you start discontinuing milk, let me also state that since it is rich in proteins and helps in building the muscles, not taking milk on a regular basis can actually leave you weak and without energy in the long run. I have myself undergone the situation. I was wan and weak and irritable all the time!
So, the best bet is to drink a glass of skimmed milk. But, also remember that excess processing of milk actually strips off the nutrients! So, honestly, I have no idea what to drink and what not. I as usual do not mind a lot of fat so I love whole milk :D And, btw, I should also add that some people claim milk and dairy products help lose weight!
What about you? You like skimmed milk? Or, you prefer to do the no-milk show?
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