

Friday, June 19, 2015

Just Gossip Vol. 17 - Finally!!

Ohk, I HAD to announce this. Finally, I did it! I had been running a lot of backlog of comments to answer since March and I had been just procrastinating. But, finally, I cleared it ALL! 

So, please check back if you had commented on any post but did not get any reply. I have replied everyone and have double-checked but in any case, I have missed yours, please message me back!

And, I am really really sorry for this much of delay. I had been lazy, busy and what not! And, now I shall make sure I do not pile up more of backlogs. Its damn difficult to clear them up and sure does give you lot of sleepless nights :-|

And, I also have to admit I have skipped on many many mails without reading so if you do have any unanswered queries, please resend them! I shall be awaiting them :)

So, this is a tip to all bloggers. DO NOT PROCRASTINATE! What do you say?

Related Posts:
Just Gossip Vol. 16 - How is 2013 treating you?
Just Gossip Vol. 15 - A trip to Ayurveda!
Just Gossip Vol. 14 - What did you do this weekend?