It sure does mine! I am right now very very sad. Man, I can never understand how do the statistics vary so f*****g much. Why can not they remain constant if not go up and up!! Or, is it really necessary to worry about those stats that much?
Yes, blogging is more about passion but is it just that? Nah, I am not talking about being jealous of the bigger blogs over there but just for self-sufficiency, do we never think what is really wrong. Do we really never doubt ourselves? It is pretty easy to say the counter that there should be no self-doubt but how do you really triumph that?
May be by following the stricture from Bhagvad Gita
karmany evadhikaras te
ma phalesu kadacana
ma karma-phala-hetur bhur
ma te sango 'stv akarmani
which really means do not bother about the fruits of your labor will help. Just do the labor well without being attached to the labor. Does that even happen?
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