

Wednesday, July 8, 2015

My Hair Diary - June 2014

Good Morning folks or should I say afternoon. As I ranted yesterday about the bad condition of my hair, let me say I have to restart my hair caring routines :( The volume is gone, strands are full of splits and hair is peachy and strawy in texture. But, off late, I have inculcated a few good things in my routine so let us have a look at them.
  • Oiling - I hate this step!! Of course, I love to oil my hair but damn the timing. I prefer to wash my hair at night and sometimes it gets so late for me to get back from office that sometimes I do not get time to do this. And, then, hot oil massage happens probably once a month so I really miss this step. I do try to keep it up but mostly I miss it. 
  • Cuts and Trims - Last hair cut was in April and that too not a good one and I need to go for it again soon enough.
  • Massage - I have developed this habit of massaging my hair while I am idle. This happens especially in the office (the environment is pretty relaxed!!) when I am thinking of something or watching House of Cards or The Originals
  • Rubbing the nails together - Do you think this helps? Well, no scientific proof but people think so let me also give it a try.
  • Scalp Serum - Coming to the more practical aspects, I got this Keo Karpin scalp vitaliser. I try to apply it once a week or in two weeks, though it says it should be done everyday. And, then, I stopped using it right away so its lying in the shelf.
  • Leave-in - I shifted to rosehip from grapeseed for leave-in. I have no idea how it is working but lets see!! 
  • Cocoa Butter Hair Mask - So, I had a lot of cocoa butter from a long time and I have been just wishing to put it to good use. And, finally I have a chance to do it. So, let me see when I will try it!!
And, I think Organic Surge has pulled out of India (not really sure but shampoos are not available online on couple of websites) so guess I shall have to find a new shampoo :( Also, it has been ages since I have used a conditioner. 

Products Used
  • Hair Oil - Dabur Olive Oil 
  • Shampoo - Madara + Kamini Shampoo
So, how is your hair doing?