

Monday, August 31, 2015

From the Archives : Turn your regular shampoo into a homemade herbal shampoo {DIY}

Today, I would be sharing with you a recipe which I have been using for long for my hair and believe me, it has done wonders. I no longer believe in buying hair products according to your needs like a hair fall shampoo as a solution to hair loss or a damage repair shampoo for a heat burnt hair. I have got rid of these things using simple home remedies and I would suggest you to practice them regularly to see quick and long lasting results. You can use tomato repair the dry dull hair or fenugreek for hair loss. If you feel like, you can top your treatment with such fancy hair products too. They might do you some good, who knows!!!

Coming back to the topic, the recipe is very simple.

Ingredients (practically everything you think is good for hair and worth boiling in water)
- Indian Gooseberry (fresh or sun-dried amla) 
- fenugreek seeds and leaves (methi)
- curry leaves
- sage leaves / basil leaves (tulsi)
- hibiscus flower and leaves 
- mehendi leaves (henna)
- jasmine flowers and leaves
- rose petals
- lavender and rosemary flowers (if available)

Soak them all the ingredients in two liters of water overnight. Boil next morning till water remains half of the original quantity. Let the water cool and strain. You can use this directly as a shampoo but it would not lather and I don't know if it removes the oil completely. And, you might not get satisfied with it.

So, take a fresh clean bottle. Pour your regular shampoo to a one-third quantity of the bottle. And, pour this liquid over it. Shake well. Your herbal shampoo is ready. Do not worry about diluting your shampoo. It is good for you as less number of chemicals are applied on your hair and your shampoo lasts longer.

This shampoo works better than the regular shampoo. And, it will definitely give better results than the regular application. Do not judge it until you try this out. It might sound weird to some people. But, if you have ever heard, many people advice that one should dilute the shampoo with water to decrease the harshness of chemicals on the hair. I will request you all to give it a try.

You can use a shampoo sachet for a trial. And, then, you can decide for your own self whether this shampoo will suit you or not. And, it surely does help in hair growth too.

Words of Caution
Please refrain from using any ingredient, which you already know, you will be allergic to. If you want to dye your hair some color, you can continue with using henna leaves. But, remember that though henna is conditioning for hair, it is extremely drying too. So, you can skip it.

You may put some green tea (or your favorite flavor) too in the boiling water. Do not add anything which has short shelf life as it will spoil the whole recipe like lemon peels, soapnuts or shikakai. Use them fresh. You can use lemon juice as a hair rinse for shine. But, lemon causes hair to get dry. So, you might want to try out other remedies for shiny hair.

Have you tried something like this ever?

Related Posts:
From the Archives : Get rid of Split Ends {Hair care}
From the Archives : Hair Types and their Hair Care Routine {Hair Care}
From the Archives : Use "Shaving Oil" to get rid of unwanted hair {Skin Care}

How to take care of gray hair? {Hair Care}

This has been a long pending post which had been requested by Smile. I am so sorry for the delay. To start with, I don't have much experience with gray hair as my mom also has only couple of them coming up now that she is 51. And, she is not interested in covering them up. I do tell her to get the hair colored but she flatly says no.

Hair Coloring
This should come up as a different post altogether but I think its imperative to mention it here. You can always get your hair colored. Remember to get salon treatment. Shell out money coz its your hair!! It definitely falls on an expensive side when you count in the maintenance costs.

This is definitely the most common practice but it turns the white or gray hair into orange which people now a days absolutely hate. So, really doesn't do much of a job. Also, using Lush Caca Noir also doesn't work on gray hair. I had suggested it to one of my friends but she confirmed that it didn't work on gray hair.

Hair Science and Home Remedies
The hair which has already turned gray can never be turned black naturally. For that you will have to color the hair. But, you can always prevent new gray hairs from coming up. Also, gray hair is a lot of times hereditary so in such cases, its a little difficult to control. So, let me suggest some home remedies to PREVENT gray hair.
  • Use mustard or sesame oil on a regular basis, like twice or thrice a week. A regular usage helps prevent the hair from growing gray. They also help with hair which has turned brown!!!
  • Black Pepper and Yogurt mask
  • Curry leaves are supposedly great for protecting the black color of the hair. So, infuse your oil with dried curry leaves. (learn how to infuse oil here)
  • Other herbs which are amazing to prevent hair from growing gray are rosemary, thyme and amla (Indian gooseberry). They also help with hair growth. 
So, what's your best bet to deal with gray hair?

    Sunday, August 30, 2015

    A News and a Request

    Hey everyone, I want to let you know that we have a new member joining Perfect Skin Care for you. You have in fact read her first post as well. As to all those who thought I am pregnant, no, it was not a post written by me. Anyways, I want to welcome Punam, and gals and ladies, please make her feel comfortable and happy here :)

    On the other hand, I have a request to all of you. I have submitted an entry to Indiblogger contest here (its on my other blog coz the topic was completely off-beauty). Its about arranged and love marriages. Please, please and please check out the post and do leave comments as to whether you liked it, hated it, enjoyed it or was at least tickled by it!!! I would be really really grateful to you all. Thanks a lot in advance. You can check the post here -  Behind the Scenes.

    Best Foods for Brain, Sleep and Stress Relief {Infographic}

    Saturday, August 29, 2015

    Lush Dark Angels Face Cleanser {Product Review}

    Price: Rs 700 for 100 gms (approx.)

    Rhassoul Mud, Cold Pressed Avocado Oil (Persea gratissima), Glycerine, Powdered Charcoal, Black Sugar (sucrose), Sodium Lauroyl Sarcosinate, Perfume, *Linalool, Sandalwood Oil (Santalum album), Rosewood oil (Aniba rosaeodora)
    natural ingredients
    makes the skin really soft
    exfoliates amazingly!!

    doesn't control oil production
    doesn't remove oil or cleanse really well
    very expensive!!

    My Experience
    I got this in June and have been using it on and off since then. I had been wanting to try the product since a very very long time so was very excited to try it out. So, how to use it a very big problem and trust me when I say its damn messy!!! It will blacken your washbasins and everywhere else it touches. 

    How to use? Take a pea size amount and pour a drop or two of water on it and make a paste which will be a little watery and cleanse with it thoroughly. Though, I would like to say that it doesn't really cleanse well. I use oil to remove the traces of sunscreen from my skin and this product doesn't cleanse that oil as thoroughly as I would like. 

    But, its a damn good exfoliator. It leaves the skin soft and smooth and removes the whiteheads but it didn't really have any noticeable effect on my blackheads. I use it on alternate days to scrub my face properly. Its not at all harsh. Oh btw, avoid looking in the mirror or you might frighten yourself :D Yes, it looks like black paint on the face!! 
    Its definitely expensive and would last two months at max if used regularly which I think is way too less. The expiry period of the product is probably four months from the date of manufacture but I do have issues with this date things in Lush. They provide date of packaging and expiry but the date of packaging is date when you buy the product. So, how do they calculate the date of expiry? Honestly, Lush is not really working out well for me!!

    Have you used Dark Angels?

    Other products I love or hate from Lush:

    Vaadi Herbals Aromatherapy Body Oil Pure Lemongrass and Lily Oil {Product Review}

    Vaadi Herbals Aromatherapy Body Oil Pure Lemongrass and Lily Oil {Product Review}

    I simply love body oils and this one is fast growing on me. Though I don't like the fact that it gets finished off too soon for me, it sure smells really fresh and lemongrass-y. I love the citrus-y smell which hits the nose as soon as you open the bottle.

    The fragrance is strong but not overly so which does make me a bit suspicious if it is natural or not. I have never actually smelled lemongrass essential oil, hence, my suspicions. I have had bergamot though it wasn't this strong. But, it was equally refreshing!

    gets absorbed easily
    smells refreshing
    moisturizes the skin well
    cute packaging

    Anyways coming back to the product, it comes in a cute green bottle with a stopper. You have to pierce the stopper but I, being lazy, chucked it out altogether. Don't do that because then you don't really know how much of the product is enough for one use.

    Vaadi Herbals Aromatherapy Body Oil Pure Lemongrass and Lily Oil {Product Review}

    Due to that issue, earlier I used to end up using a bit too much of the oil but then slowly I decreased to using around 5-10 drops of oil for each body part. Applied on damp skin, the product gets absorbed really easily and moisturizes the skin well.

    doesn't do anything for the tan and blemishes as it claims!
    can be sticky if overused
    smell might get too strong for sensitive noses

    I won't say that it made my skin glow or remove the tan or did what it claims but it is definitely worth a try. I think a 100ml would last around a month of usage. And, the price is decent for the quantity.

    Price: Rs 65 for 50ml


    PS: Product provided by brand. 

    Have you used this product?

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    Get from flipkart:

    Friday, August 28, 2015

    How to deal with nausea? {Pregnancy}

    Motherhood is a divine emotion. It’s obviously a good news to know that you are going to be a mother but one has to be more responsible and caring coz your body is going to face drastic changes and you have a new life inside. Pregnancy starts with the feeling of nausea and morning sickness for almost all the pregnant women. Today I am sharing my own experience of the first trimester and how I managed them.

    What is nausea? 
    It’s feeling of uneasiness that makes you urge to vomit. It’s not always necessary that one vomits.

    In pregnancy this feeling is stronger in morning. The reasons given are hormonal changes. As I am not a doctor (I am just a doctor's wife), so I am not going to go into the details. I had severe nausea and vomits till the 5thmonth and then it reduced gradually. But, the degree of nausea differs from body to body.
    Few things that can help you deal with this problem - Do’s
    • As soon as you wake up in the morning, eat something. Don’t keep yourself starving. 
    • If you have a habit to start your day with tea, change it now. Either skip it or add some toast or biscuits with it and even ginger tea can help you but my mom used to say take ginger tea only in colder climate so I avoid it in the summers. 
    • It’ll be great if you take an apple early morning and even before going to bed coz this will help clean your stomach and keeps you energetic.
    • Citrus fruits are a great help in feeling of nausea. I always used to eat or chew lemon or orange slices whenever I felt nausea.
    • Place potato chips or crackers near your bed so that whenever u feel hungry, you can eat them. This can suppress vomit but remember excess of anything is harmful, so just take few bites.
    • Try to get up during night to eat something so that u may not feel too sick and weak in the morning.
    • Stay way from strong smells.
    • Don’t starve at all.
    • Stay away from spicy food, colas and caffeine.
    • Don’t get over-tired.
    • Stay away from stress.

    About the Author: This post has been written by Punam. Thank you so much Punam for sharing your experience and I am looking forward to more posts from you :) What say, guys sorry, gals?

    Blogging Series Vol. 13 - How to improve traffic on the blog?

    So, if you follow me on the blog's facebook page, you would have seen a particular status update. Actually what it was about was something on these lines.

    Just day before yesterday, I was talking to my colleague. He was asking my opinion on a launcher or landing page he had created for his sister's upcoming food blog. And, we got talking about blogging. Suddenly he asks me if I blog and without thinking I give him an affirmative answer. Well, if you are not already aware, no one in my close friend or family circle knows about my hidden hobbies. So, he was obviously interested in the domain name and what I blog about when my self-preservation instinct took over and I kept my lips sealed.

    But, then the topic moved to hosting of the blogs and everything when I told him it is too expensive actually to host the blog instead of using blogspot where you get away by paying 10$ a year. Well, actually, let me say that this is not necessarily true but we will debate over this in some other post coz its highly technical. But, the whole point he said was the entire costing depends on how much traffic the blog gets. I was like yeah that's true! And, then, he asked me about this blog's traffic. I was like its 5k right now but generally its 8k a day. And, he was like wow! that's awesome. It must have taken a lot of work and many years. I was like yup. It did. 3 years almost and then I realize its gonna be 4 this December. So, yup, we have definitely hit a good threshold and its all thanks to all my lovely readers who make me blog.

    Now, coming back to today's blogging topic, how to get traffic and what are the principles. Actually, the blog hit a major snag this Independence Day weekend. The traffic had a spike drop from 8 to 5k a day and its not raising up even though I am doing all what I have been doing. Well, we can always say that it might have been excess of spam visits in such a case but whatever it be, it is quite disheartening. So, to avoid such downward spikes in the blog, you can do your own bit.

    Write the Content in advance
    This has to be the only principle of blogging if life was easy but unfortunately its not! But, still, its the 90% stakeholder. So, write and write and write and don't copy or plagiarize or steal. Create! The content might deliver the same message but give it your own voice. Tweak it to your style. But, whatever you do, make it your own.

    Blogging remains exciting in the starting but after a while it can become monotonous so try out some different ways or diversify your blog enough that you do not go out of your niche or specialization but it keeps you excited enough to keep writing. And, I have also mentioned some of the ways to overcome Blogger's block sometime back. Keep a chunk of posts in the drafts which you can publish or schedule when you don't feel like blogging.  

    Post regularly
    Most of the bloggers are part-time! So, I would say daily but twice a week or thrice a week. Whatever you do but you should time your posts properly so that your readers get what they expect and a proper posting schedule gets registered with the search engines as well.

    Of course, posting daily does keep the blog updated so it ranks higher in the searches. That is why you would find multiple posts on professionally managed blogs or community blogs. But, for a personal blog, it can be a bit ambitious to achieve. So, set targets which you can plausibly reach.

    Here I would like to add that howsoever much you might try, sometimes its just not possible to put up the posts on a timely basis so expect a traffic crunch at that time. Do not be disheartened and keep trying. Also, scheduling of the posts works really well in such cases.

    Spreading a Word
    Publicizing your blog is obviously important. Use social platforms like facebook, google+, twitter to give regular updates. More your content is exposed, more traffic it gets. Now, this is something I totally suck at. I have hardly tried to publicize my blog and whatever meager efforts I have put have definitely borne results.

    I have recently started posting status messages on the blog's facebook page. But, let me also say that posting on blog's facebook page is more to interact with your readers than to publicize the blog but that has also worked in my case. If you are using twitter or facebook groups, it then becomes a way to promote the blog to other audiences who do not know about your blog.

    One of the simplest way to reach out is to comment on other blogs. But, always remember to leave a meaningful comment. No one likes to read great blog or this is amazing, follow me back! Create a relationship with the blogger. And, yes, it does take a long time so don't be impatient.

    So, I would again say that content is the key and it does take a bit of time to get faithful readers to the blog. And, stop comparing your blog to other blogs because they might be doing something which you are not and reaping those benefits. But, at the end of day, every blogger works hard whether it looks like it or not. 

    What do you say? How do you improve your blogs traffic and statistics? 

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    Thursday, August 27, 2015

    Happy Janmashtami!!

    So, today is Krishanji's birthday!! I don't really celebrate this festival but then any festival is supposed to be a holiday, no?? So, what are you guys doing today?? Plans to temples or ISKCON. I had been once to ISKCON Hyderabad. I think there are two or more temples but I have been only to one and the decoration was awesome even though the temple wasn't very huge!! Wish you all a very Happy Janmashtami :)

    How to take care of your skin when ill? {Skin Care}

    Last week, I wasn't keeping well so I had just left my skin to its own devices. I thought it would make a good topic to discuss about how to care for skin so I putting down my points to skin care when I am not well. 

    Leave the skin as it is
    Ok, I am damn lazy. I can lie on the bed for hours together. In fact, I have been doing the same today morning (written on Sunday afternoon). So, I just leave my skin as it is. I do not bother to wash, tone or moisturize or anything at all. Well, ok, one caveat. Before lying down or becoming lazy, do make sure that your face is clean of all makeup and grime. And, then, you can be free. 

    Caution: Do not follow this if your skin is prone to breakouts coz you never know how the oil on the skin can react!! And, follow this only when you are not going out.

    Sponge Bath
    Leaving skin as it is works damn well for me coz I stay alone but if you do have someone at your beck and call, take advantage and ask for a sponge bath. You can add essential oils to pucker you up. And, it does make you feel better as well.

    Skipping Skin Routines is OK
    Don't fret too much about skipping the skin routines. Its good to leave skin on its own devices once in a while. That gives it time to repair itself with its own process. Also, did you know that once you do not wash the skin, your skin itself starts the cleaning up process. Well, I think it might also be a part of detox process.

    But, what if you are a stickler?
    Aaah...I can't leave my skin just like that? How can you even suggest such a thing? Then, my answer is to follow these tips:
    • Get a quick face wash. 
    • In case you don't wanna skip bath, add a cup of salt to the bath water. It relaxes the muscles and eases body pains.  
    • Use a water-based moisturizer.
    • And, lie and relax. 
    • Drink lot of fluids entire day!!
    That will keep you going and look great even when you are not up to the snuff. If you are a makeup addict, sorry, no tips!! Probably a concealer and lipstick should do the job, just guessing!

    What do you do when you are not feeling well? 

    PS: Also, sorry that there were rather less of tips than the encouragement to lie around :D 

    How to make the skin clear and get rid of scars and blemishes and dark spots? {Skin Care}

    So, last week I had left you with the post on melanin production. So, in that post, I had specifically mentioned that you can do nothing to lighten your skin color but you can always keep your skin clear and avoid from getting tanned. So, how to go about doing that?

    This is the first and foremost principle for any skin care routine. Applying sunscreen regularly keeps your skin young and also free from tan. Well, ok, lemme reiterate that sunscreen does not prevent tanning but it is comparatively lesser than if you go into sun without any protection. And, if you are using physical sunscreens, you can be assured that the tan is minimal. That does reduce a lot of your work!!

    As I mentioned in the last post, lactic acid and glycolic acid have been believed to reduce the melanin content in the skin. So, may be a weekly routine of this might help. Let me again say MIGHT! Because, what I understand is that a 50%-70% concentration of these acids might be really successful in doing the intended but yes an occasional use can definitely give a healthy glow. 

    Now, lactic acid is present in milk and glycolic is mostly present in sugarcane juice or jaggery or, most available, sugar. Milk is generally considered to be safe for daily usage and it is famous since ancient times for its benefits on skin. But, I will suggest all the oily skin and acne-prone skin people to stay far away from it.

    Coming to using glycolic acid, it is quite strong for skin especially when you are going to use freshly squeezed sugarcane juice so I would say go easy on the skin. Use it as a face mask mixed with any flour and wash off after 10-15 minutes and no more! 

    And, if sugarcane is not available, you can use brown sugar, raw sugar, powdered sugar or powdered jaggery as a face scrub mixed in honey. But, be sure not to use it more than twice a week, no matter what skin type. Exfoliating the skin everyday is not a good idea, howsoever much you might love your skin after that!!

    Also, papaya and pine apple juices are quite effective. They can also remove the tan and dead skin cells and the dark spots and blemishes and scars and what not. But, these remedies should again be used only twice a week and no more because they can end up drying the skin a lot!

    Vitamin C
    That is another great home remedy which works absolutely fantastically. And, the best part is that not only it exfoliates but it also rejuvenates the skin. Vitamin C is essential for collagen synthesis which is important to keep the skin youthful and smooth. 

    But, here I would again suggest instead of lemon juice, tomato juice should be used on a daily or alternate day basis. It really helps! The reason being lemon is drying on skin as it is too acidic.

    Other Home Remedies
    There are a whole lot of other spices and vegetables and fruits which can be used on skin like cinnamon, nutmeg, ginger, garlic, mint, cucumber, berries, date juice, turmeric, mustard and probably all other spices in the world!!

    So, what are the simple ways to keep your skin clear and avoid blemishes and dark spots?

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    Wednesday, August 26, 2015

    From the Archives : Get rid of Split Ends {Hair care}

    Split ends are ugly and make our hair look unhealthy. More than that, they actually make our hair unhealthy by climbing up the hair shaft. The only way to get rid of split ends is by trimming your hair up to the level where you are sure all your damaged hair is gone. Next step is to take care of your hair properly so that there are no split ends in the future.
    • First is to handle your hair very gently. Do not rub with a towel or use a rough accessory on it. Do not be harsh with it while drying it. Just gently squeeze the excess water out of the hair and let it air dry. Keep your combs and brushes smooth. If they develop jagged edges or get broken at any point, change them. The jagged edges or sharp broken points can rip off the hair.
    • Proper nutrition and regular exercise is necessary to maintain beautiful hair. Why? As our hair grows from the follicle, it gets old. The tips of our hair is years old actually and due to the lack of proper nutrients and exercise and loss of proper capillary action in the hair, it becomes difficult for the hair follicles to provide proper nutrition to the ends of the hair. This is one of the reasons for even the hair getting dry as it grows past a certain length. Due to the lack of nutrition, the cuticle wears off and the hair strand starts splitting.
    • Due to the very same reason, we need to provide the ends with extra nutrition on a regular basis. If your hair is extremely dry or is prone to lot of split ends, do a weekly pre-poo on your hair. Egg and honey is especially helpful.
      • Excess usage of hair products can also bring this calamity to your hair. Use only the most required of the products and make sure they are of the highest quality. Use as minimum amount as possible of any product. 
      • Mix a tea spoon of castor oil with two tea spoons of pure coconut oil and massage in into your hair with special attention to the ends twice a week. Dip a towel into warm water and wrap your hair in it. You can even take a steam for your hair. You can leave it overnight or wait for an hour or two and wash off with a mild shampoo. Do not forget to dilute the shampoo. After washing your hair, apply a intensive hair conditioner to the ends of the hair and stay for 5-10 minutes. Wash off. You can follow with leave-in conditioner. 
      So, how do you prevent the splits in your hair?

      Related Posts:
      From the Archives : Hair Types and their Hair Care Routine {Hair Care}
      From the Archives : Use "Shaving Oil" to get rid of unwanted hair {Skin Care}
      From the Archives : Hair Tips for Monsoon {Hair Care}

      Do men in your life take care of their skin? {Skin Care}

      Well, at present, I just have my father and yes, he is very conscientious about his skin. He uses anti-aging cream from Garnier and does love to try out various things :D In fact, yesterday, he was telling me how I completely filled up his closet with my products!!! I keep a stock of products in Delhi so I won't have to travel with my toilet kit and even then, every time my toilet kit weighs more than my clothes!! Yeah, I am weird.

      And, since their closet is full, mom and dad decided that they will use up my products!! And, my mom is one who doesn't really bother a lot. So, the duty falls into dad's responsibilities. So, yesterday, we fell into talking about things and I said that don't forget to do the same things with the neck as your do with the face and my dad was like "ya ya, otherwise it will look different na"!! And, honestly, I was astonished :D

      So, do you have any men in your life who look after their skin as well? And, speaking of which, I got a mail saying my haul has been dispatched and I am looking forward to recieveing it...yay!! I just can't wait to start using the products, more so the shampoo. Oh yes, that also reminds me that I have got to go for a hair cut on Monday or Tuesday!!

      Related Posts:
      How does a man's skin differ from a woman's?
      Tips to shave for men
      Top 5 Beauty Tips for Men

      Tuesday, August 25, 2015

      Nivea powerfruit relax Shower Gel {Product Review}

      Nivea powerfruit relax Shower Gel {Product Review}

      It has been a really long time since I have used any shower gels. I had switched to natural and handmade soaps and this was quite a refreshing change from them. For the starters, I really like the packaging - the purplish color. It also smells nice, not in a natural way though!

      I can not describe the smell but its a bit jammy-like and its a bit strong, may be not to everyone's taste! Also, after the shower, the whole of it smells of the shower gel for quite half an hour. I like it, though! Anyways, the gel is transparent in color and lathers pretty well.

      smells nice!
      works well with scrubbing gloves!

      Nivea powerfruit relax Shower Gel {Product Review}

      It does leave a film on the skin which is something I do not really like with any product but after you are dry, your skin does not really feel sticky or anything. In fact, the body oil I am currently using gets absorbed pretty easily!!

      So, its a heads up for me and I love to use my body shop gloves with this product. So, yes, this is worth a try!!

      Nivea powerfruit relax Shower Gel {Product Review}

      leaves a thin film on body which is not to everyone's taste!

      Price : Rs 175 for 250ml

      Have you used this product?

      Related Posts:

      Get it from flipkart:

      Biotique Bio Flame of the Forest Fresh Shine Expertise Oil {Product Review}

      Biotique Bio Flame of the Forest Fresh Shine Expertise Oil Product Review

      Price: Rs 159 for 120ml

      Biotique Bio Flame of the Forest Fresh Shine Expertise Oil Product Review

      leaves hair soft and shiny
      smells pleasant
      gets washed off easily

      My Experience

      I have been meaning to try this oil since a long time and you might have seen this oil being mentioned in the hair diaries. I finally managed to finish the oil after using it on and off for a long time. The first thing to notice about the oil is its fragrance which is really pleasant.

      The base oil is groundnut oil which is thick but even then, it gets washed off easily and leaves the hair really soft and adds a bit of shine as well. It did not give me any hair fall and whether it helps with hair fall or not is something which I don't know because I did not have hair fall at any time I was using this product specifically. 

      Missing the cons? Well, I am not able to think any!! One more piece of information - "Flame of the Forest". It is a flower called "Palash" in hindi. It is supposedly amazing for dandruff and hair loss. The name of this flower is the only reason I got attracted to the product :) Have you tried it?

      Other products I love or hate from Biotique:

      Monday, August 24, 2015

      From the Archives : Hair Types and their Hair Care Routine {Hair Care}

      Our hair has generally been categorized only in three types: Dry, Normal and Oily. But, have you ever thought that the hair can also be like skin. As skin has many types like dry, sensitive, normal, oily, combination; similarly, our hair can also be categorized in various types:
      • Normal Hair
      • Damaged (or Sensitive) Hair
      • Dry Hair
      • Oily Hair
      • Combination Hair
        • Dry Scalp with Oily body
        • Oily scalp with dry body
      Please remember that I am talking about the condition of hair not the texture of hair. And, the way we care for our hair should be customized depending on the hair condition.

      Normal Hair does not require any special care. Normal routine of shampooing and conditioning will keep it in place.

      Dry Hair needs a lot of conditioning and deep conditioning treatments. Avoid going into sun too much and do not let your hair get subjected to heat.Always keep your hair moisturized using a leave-in conditioner or aloevera gel. And, of course, do not forget the hot oil treatments for your hair weekly once or twice.

      Oily hair does not need oil. It needs something which can soak oil from the hair and neutralize the oil production. For this, you can two things: one is using lemon on your scalp and another is using milk (without cream) or buttermilk on your scalp. Apply fresh lemon juice on your scalp before you shampoo your hair every time. You can also use tomato instead of lemon juice as lemon juice is highly acidic and lead to dryness in the long term. It also has the same effect. You can also experiment with strawberry hair mask but then I would say eat those strawberries instead :D And, you can use your clay masks as a hair mask also. After all, clay will absorb oil no matter where it is applied. Right!!

      Combination Hair really needs a combination of oily and dry hair treatments but not so much in intensity.
      - For dry scalp, you can massage a few drops of oil (coconut or olive) every time before you shampoo your hair. And, leave the hair body as it is. If your scalp is dry to the extent of being scaly and itchy, only then use hot oil treatment but use it just for the scalp. And, once in two weeks you can also go for deep conditioning treatments but make it only for the scalp (only if your scalp is scaly and itchy or if you feel a tightness in your scalp).

      - For oily scalp, follow up the lemon juice or tomato treatment on the scalp and leave the body as it is. Follow up with a leave-in conditioner. You can also use your favorite conditioner to condition your hair. But, in no case, use hot oil treatments or deep conditioning treatments on your hair. Keep the conditioning treatments to the body of the hair only, especially the ends!!

      So, what hair type is yours? 

      Related Posts:
      From the Archives : Use "Shaving Oil" to get rid of unwanted hair {Skin Care}
      From the Archives : Hair Tips for Monsoon {Hair Care}
      From the Archives : Softening your skin starts from your bath {DIY}

      Nivea Sun Moisturizing Lotion SPF 30 PA++ {Product Review}

      Price: Rs 299 for 125ml

      gets absorbed really easily
      no white cast
      is non-sticky as it says
      also, water resistant
      doesn't get greasy!!

      the ingredients are not stable so has to be reapplied every one to two hours without fail
      less on UVA protection coz its just PA++ and not PA+++

      My Experience
      When I had started using this after its counterpart, I was very happy because of no white cast issues. Its of the same consistency but gets absorbed really easily and can be applied in any amount. It doesn't even get greasy and doesn't feel sticky which is one of the best features of the product.
      This time, I took out time to analyze the ingredients. Check out the image but I noticed that they do not have any stabilizing agents. [Read about sunscreen ingredients here.] Because of which, I did notice tanning on my hands because I do not reapply the sunscreen (which is very important) and I do go out in the noons, at the peak times when sun's rays are strongest.

      Why there was no tanning with the SPF 50 counterpart? Probably because spf 50 provides more protection and it left a white cast which prevented the sun's rays from directly hitting the skin. I didn't analyze the other's ingredients either so this is just hazarding a guess!!

      PS: Product sent by brand.

      Other products from Nivea:

      From the Archives : Use "Shaving Oil" to get rid of unwanted hair {Skin Care}

      I would like to share an absolutely fabulous home remedy today. Shaving Oil. This is to bring to kind attention of all people who like to shave, you can consider using a shaving oil instead of the shaving gels, creams or hair conditioners or whatever you use.

      And, the best part is you do not have to go and hunt for a shaving oil in the market. You can use any oil available in your kitchen. Be sure to use only vegetable oils or pure oils. It might sound weird for you to hear that we can use an oil as an alternative to shave.

      But, it works fabulously and gives a much cleaner and safer shave than any richly foaming hair conditioner or shaving creams.

      What are the advantages of Shaving Oil over Shaving Creams and other products?
      • No chemicals. While shaving, any cream or gel might enter your body or react with your skin. It might give you rashes or allergies. Shaving Oil is nothing but a moisturizing ingredient so you would not feel any rash.
      • Oil moisturizes your skin well so there is no dryness which happens after shaving.
      • Oil helps the razor to glide smoothly so it gives a much cleaner and closer shave. You would love the way your skin feels afterward. Also, you would not suffer from any nicks and cuts while shaving due to the smooth gliding motion
      • Oil can be used anywhere on the body safely. You can apply oil on your pubic area also without having second thoughts where as other methods (use of gels and creams) might cause allergic reactions on sensitive parts of the bodies and might become big problems. You can also use this method to shave the genatalia.
      • You can easily shave a dense growth of hair too after applying the oil.There is a less risk of ingrown hair.
      • And, lastly, it costs much less so saves your pocket money or you can use the same money to buy something more worthwhile.
      What is shaving oil made of?
      I am not talking about a particular kind of oil which is known as shaving oil. By Shaving Oil, I mean using oil for shave. You can use any kind of an oil available at home which you are not allergic too. You may even mix 2-3 oils of your choice.

      The ideal oils for shaving are: Coconut Oil, Olive Oil, Almond Oil, Sesame Oil, Jojoba Oil, Castor Oil.
      You may use them individually. If you would like to blend more than one oil, you can pour equal quantities of all the oils you want to use in a jar for storage. Make an exception while using Castor oil as it is very thick. Always use half quantity of Castor oil as that of other oils.

      How to shave using shaving oil?
      • Do not wet the body part you want to shave.
      • Apply the oil very generously over the area you want to shave and massage the area well for 5 minutes to make the hair soft.
      • Now, gently shave with the razor. 
      • After the shave, you can take a bath. Do not use soap on the shaved area. Instead, use enough hot water to wash off the oil. 
      • You may consider sanitizing your razor.
      I urge you earnestly to try this once. I have tried it and have fallen in love with it. This method gave me the smoothest shave ever in my life till now. And, the shaved skin does not hurt or irritate the way it used to earlier. I am looking forward to your comments about your experience with this method.

      Related Posts:
      From the Archives : Hair Tips for Monsoon {Hair Care}
      From the Archives : Softening your skin starts from your bath {DIY}
      From the Archives : Aloevera for Hair : a quickfix {DIY}

      Sunday, August 23, 2015

      Do all shampoos work for me? {Hair Care}

      Yeah, I know. Its a weird post but this is in reply to a really funny comment I got one one of my posts yesterday. So, the anonymous writes:
      All shampoos give u good results?? Dove also kamini also Pantene?
      I thought many of you might have the same question so I would rather do a post on it. Well, actually my hair type, as I have mentioned countless times is, dry and fine and feels soft to silky depending on its mood. I have colored it once last year and that was a disaster. But, otherwise, my hair generally behaves nicely.

      As to all shampoos suiting me, mostly my answer would be yes. My hair doesn't react easily and result in hair fall. Yes, my hair does get dry and the scalp also feels dry but no shampoo has triggered any allergic reactions and I don't have any history of dandruff which needs taking care of. When talking about shampoos, let me start with ones I used this year.

      Dove Nourishing Oil
      It was drying for my hair but initially it was fine. The conditioner does a good job of preventing the dryness. But, why I said it worked was because of my lack of experience with better products. Now that I have used Kamini's shampoo, I know how some shampoos can be non-drying. So, yes, this shampoo is not for dry hair but it did not dry out my scalp excessively and my hair behaved decently when I was using it.

      Pantene Total Damage
      Yes, it suited my hair because it did not cause my hair to get dry really soon. And, no itchiness either. Its, in fact, a good shampoo and the conditioner is even better.

      Dove Color Rescue
      Definitely drying!!! And, I have recommended it for only oily hair.

      Kamini Shampoo
      Yes, it suits me but it does dry out my scalp and hair sometimes. That is why I am searching for some shampoo whose ingredients I am aware of and is natural as well.

      Those were the shampoos I tried out in my recent memory and more or less, I did like all of them. But, one thing I would say is that whatever shampoo you use, never ever skip on conditioner. Its very essential even if you have oily hair.  
      Find products which suit your hair type but never skip on the essential routines. 
      Also, please note that a person's reaction to a product changes over time and may not remain same always whether the person is a blogger or a reader :)

      Saturday, August 22, 2015

      Can melanin production be controlled? {Skin Care}

      So, yesterday I got a very crude comment on the post "5 steps to fairer skin". Wish it was a bit polite, I would have published it but the crux of the message is that melanin production can not be controlled. And, as you would be aware, melanin is the pigment responsible for skin color.

      Skin Color can NOT be changed
      So, yup, NOTHING can control melanin production. It is genetic and is dictated by a lot of factors like exposure to sun, your skin texture, exposure to pollution and dust among others. So, please realize that you can not change skin color EVER.

      Are fairness cream claims wrong?
      Not all! The expensive treatments like peeling and other treatments tend to decrease the melanin pigment in the skin. In peeling or micro-dermabrasions, they remove the top layer of the skin which is mostly dead skin cells and has been long exposed to sun and is heavily tanned. 

      The chemical treatments which work from inside do actually affect the melanin production. But, there are simple inexpensive treatments like bleaching which mainly have chemicals which have ingredients like Hydroquinone. It indeed prevents melanin production but safety of the ingredient is under debate. 

      Also, Niacinamide which is Vitamin B3 is also supposed to improve skin hydration levels and improve the skin texture and color by removing discolorations and reducing acne. 

      But, also remember that even if your product has all these ingredients, they might not really work for you because the ratio of these products or the concentration of the ingredients is very important. Also, many of these ingredients increase skin sensitivity.

      Alpha Hydroxy Acids
      Lets come to the home remedies and AHA's. According to wiki, AHA's can not inhibit melanin production unless they are in 50% concentration. They are just effective to remove the dead skin cells and improve the skin turnover. Whereas, lactic and glycolic acids have been proved to inhibit melanin production!!

      So, yes, you CAN NOT lighten your skin color. But, then what can we do? Well, I can only say please wait for the next post :D Ok, don't hate me. This had become too long so I had to break it up!

      So, what do you say about skin color and lightening? 

      PS: This is to the person who left the absolutely CRASS comment, please mind your language!!

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      Sleep and Skin

      Dark Patches on Skin {Reader's Query}

      I am publishing one of the reader's query and would really appreciate if you guys can give any pointers to the problem.
      My daughter is 7 yrs old. There are some dark patches on her neck and elbow and knees. that makes her more dark . Can u pl. suggest me what shud i do ?
      My reply.

      regd the dark patches, are they coming now or were they there since before (may be from birth). I would say use sunscreen on her. I wouldn't suggest you to use any DIY or anything on her coz she is too young to get into all that. just face wash and moisturize properly. rest, you can take care of as she grows up but don't for go sunscreen. (I am sorry for this typo but I meant DIY) 
      Her query continued.
      Thanx a lot for ur reply. These dark patches are not because of this recipe. I dont know when they came but probably for last 2 yrs they are. I used many medicines given by Drs. but no use. sometimes they disappear but come again. Dr. say its eczema but some of them say no eczema. I dont know what is this but it really made my and my daughter's life a hell. I accept color has no value now a days but on the other hand when somebody ask or make a fun at least that person (my daughter) gets hurt. She asks me to make her fair like others because she does not like when girls give comments. Anyways i m using ur recipe.lets wait and watch & hope for the option. When she was 2 yrs old she was fair (I used to apply besan and yogurt daily) but after that her color started becoming dark and when she was 5 yrs old then these black patches problem started. 
      My reply.
      hi Sandhya...yes, I do understand how it is when people make fun!!! especially on children it has even adverse effects. one thing I would suggest is sunscreen. another, what I am thinking is that she has probably got hyper pigmentation problem or melanin has been over-produced.
      Honestly, I am baffled with the issue. I would suggest her to go to a doc but knowing the dermatologists, I know how irritating it can get and not to mention, the expenses!! In case, you have any experience with this issue, a lot of help would be appreciated. And, I do know that I am not a doc or anyone.

      Friday, August 21, 2015

      Ponds White Beauty All-in-One BB + Fairness Cream SPF 30 PA++ {Product Review}

      Ponds White Beauty All-in-One BB + Fairness Cream SPF 30 PA++ {Product Review}

      I have delayed this review by like almost three weeks! Anyways, so are you a BB-cream lover. Ok, I want to make one point over here. BB creams or any other creams for that matter are not a substitute for sunscreen!! So, please use a sunscreen separately.

      Now, let me come on to my trysts with BB creams. I have not really been lucky with them. Either they leave a white cast or make my skin too dark or too oily. I rather prefer using base and follow up with my sunscreen and I am done.

      blends easily
      gives a dewy glow to the skin
      leaves the skin looking a little bright
      easy to carry
      very less product needed so lasts long!

      Ponds White Beauty All-in-One BB + Fairness Cream SPF 30 PA++ {Product Review}

      So, how did this product fare for me? For the starters, I like the packaging. Its stylish and very easy to carry and the mouth of the tube dispenses exactly the amount of product you need which is, trust me, less than a black pepper corn size!

      Any more and you might end up with a white cast on the face. Using the right amount of the product, however, leaves the skin dewy. It does provide a little coverage but I can not really comment because I do not have small blemishes that I could cover up.

      Ponds White Beauty All-in-One BB + Fairness Cream SPF 30 PA++ {Product Review}

      leaves a white cast which might not suit all skin types
      makes the skin a bit oily 
      does not last beyond 2-3 hours

      But, I have issues with its lasting power. It does make my skin look a bit oily and dull by the end of the day so that did not quite work out for me! Also, I do not think it really lightens up the skin or clears up the tan or makes you look fair. It just brightens the skin subtly which is something which you will like when the product is fresh on skin.

      Ponds White Beauty All-in-One BB + Fairness Cream SPF 30 PA++ {Product Review}

      The texture of the product is a bit creamy and it leaves a dewy finish, as I mentioned earlier. Whether it will lead to breakouts or not is something I can not vouch for! As for the cleanup part, the product gets cleansed off easily without any issues so hopefully it is non-comedogenic and does not cause clogged pores.

      Price: Rs 65 for 9gms

      So, what about you? Did you use this product? Do you like any other BB cream?

      PS : Product sent for PR purposes.

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      Thursday, August 20, 2015

      Just Gossip Vol. 23 - So, what happened the last weekend?

      I have not been online for quite long and that is a bad habit for bloggers me sometimes because you I can totally lose track. Getting back to blogging is a serious issue then, for me! Anyways, I just wanted to share some recent gossip on here which you might have missed unless you were checking my facebook page updates! 

      Perfect Skin Care for you won the Lifestyle Health Indiblogger award for the best blog. Ok, that was a little difficult to digest because there were 73 blogs in that category and I won. Yipeeeee!! That would never have been possible without you all so thank you so much. And, a special thanks to all those who took out time and wrote testimonials for my blog :)

      Oh btw, did you all start with checking out the weight loss series? I have posted only once till now but I have been keeping a checklist of days when I am working out. And when I see n number of days not checked against, I do feel bad and motivated as well. So, try it out. May be the checklist or calender listing might help you as well.

      Also, another golden rule for working out is to NOT push your body hard otherwise it will reach the fatigue levels and that will tire you so much that you do not have the strength to carry on! So, do only that much as much you can actually manage without it being too less!

      So, how is your weight loss routine, if any, going on? And, how was your last weekend? Did you do anything special? I got myself a pair of sandals with heels, they are the second in my life (heels not the sandals) as Rakhi gift!

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      My favorite look of Madhuri

      she looks gorgeous
      Jhalak Dikhla Jaa is more interesting this time for me coz of many participants like Bharti who does give really funny one-liners (sometimes does get irritating) or Rithvik who I absolutely like!! But, the best part of the show is Madhuri Dixit who looks absolutely gorgeous in almost every episode.

      can't help compare!!
      the couple in HAHK
      and now!! how drastically has Salman changed.
      This week she had come in white and blue and she was looking absolutely ethereal. I do think cream would have looked even better instead of white but I am not complaining!! How does she really manage to look so gorgeous with the most gorgeous smile and an extremely graceful body???

      Photo Credit: sawfnews.com