

Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Just Gossip Vol. 22 - Did you "Get on the Train baby"?

So, I watched Chennai Express on Saturday. And, I have to say that it was totally unexpected. I had gone into the theater with a sense of foreboding and I was so sure I would come back with a headache and the reviews were not of much help!

But, I loved the movie except that romance angle which is totally boring, honestly! Yeah, that from King Khan, the king of Romance. The movie belong to Deepika entirely, in my opinion. Totally loved the cinematography and the Thaliva song. That's a treat to watch coz Deepika is looking at her best :)

And, what else I loved. I loved her half-sarees in the movie. They were simple and really pretty. Of course, she has a figure which can show everything well but still. So, just check them out here.  The pics are blurry but still you can make out some of the dresses.

So, did you guys watch the movie? Did you like it?

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