

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Dove Elixir Nourished Shine Hibiscus & Argan Oil {Product Preview}

Dove Elixir Nourished Shine Hibiscus & Argan Oil Product Preview at Perfect Skin Care for you
excuse the mess in the background!!

This is not a review of the Oil. I am just putting my forethought on the product depending on my first use. I have not even washed my hair yet so you are forewarned. 

Price: Rs 185 for 90ml

Dove Elixir Nourished Shine Hibiscus & Argan Oil Product Preview at Perfect Skin Care for you
click on the pic to enlarge it and you can read the information on the packaging

My Thoughts
First of all, let me start with the packaging. That's something which leaps to the eyes. Yes, it comes in a pretty heavy glass bottle with a pump. Glass packaging makes me really and I mean REALLY happy for the price. Pump makes the product apt for easy usage. 

So, whats the issue?? Sadly, just after 2-3 pumps for the very first time, it STOPPED working!!! That was the bad as it is. But, unfortunately, I have more issues with it. Honestly, this looks like a bashing post on the product but I sincerely don't want to make it so negative. 

I thought this was an affordable version of the Kerastese Elixir but unfortunately it has 73% of mineral oil which gives it a very silicony feel which I absolutely hate. I did check out the ingredients before buying but still went with it. But, the pump thing disappointed me a lot!!

It smells different. I don't know how to categorize it but the fragrance is not strong. It stays for a while in the hair and later disappears. My main worry with the product is the build up. I don't know if it creates a build up in the long run. It also has Dimethicone.

90ml is quite a decent amount which you get with the price you pay and for one use, you don't really end up using much so this would easily last a month or more. Also, I noticed that somehow the product disappears after 2-3 hours of application. 

I had applied it yesterday and then didn't wash my hair today so applied it again. I hope I wash my hair tomorrow so may be I can update with how my hair feels after the wash. But, for now, I am feeling I would have been better off without this product.

PS: The post is written on 13th Jan, 2013.

PS2: This is my 1001st post!! Woohoo :)
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Some Random Product Reviews - Part II