

Monday, January 19, 2015

Just Gossip Vol. 27 - Tidbits!

I realize that I have become very voluble in this year. So, let me just finish this week's gossip quota.
  1. Last 3 days since Wednesday were a torture in Delhi. It was so cold.
  2. Caught cold and Hyderabad is so hot!!!
  3. Went to Haridwar and Rishikesh after 1992-93. So much commercialization!
  4. Got new frame (spectacles), finally!!! I searched for it so much still didn't get a red one.
  5. Finally watched Despicable Me 2 in the flight!
  6. Bought a wallet in World of Titan only so thanks a lot for the tip :)
  7. I realized that a little order in the house can work wonders on how your day goes!
  8. I have still not taken out time to reply to the comments or the mails. I have not checked my mails since ages so please do not feel like I am ignoring. 
What about you? How did your week progress?

Related Posts:
Just Gossip Vol. 26 - I am off to Delhi!
Just Gossip Vol. 25 - The Year 2013!
Just Gossip Vol. 24 - What's up with me these days?