

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

What do you love about Yourself? {Your Opinion}

Ok, so, today, I want to talk to you about the good things in life :) This was the post put up by Tine on her blog first and then Paris did a post on it few days back. We all find something or the other to criticize in our features or body or any physical attributes. But, what do you actually love about yourself?

My answer would be my eyes. Nah, they are just plain looking and small but they are milky clear and glow with all the charm when I am happy. Problem is they are hidden always behind the lens but I am not complaining :D

And, I love my skin because it is definitely less problematic. But, my hair is an issue which will stay for life long. But, even then, I love it the way it is :) Oh that reminds me to inform you that I am skipping the hair diary post this month as December was not exactly any path breaking. 

So, what about you? I am waiting to hear from you :) Share what you love about yourself quickly!!

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