

Monday, December 21, 2015

5 Things to consider before conceiving a Baby {Pregnancy}

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5 things to consider before conceiving a baby

So, today, I have come up with something very different to what I used to discuss with all of you. This is for all those females who are ready for conception or even in half way through their confinement. So, lets us see what all we have on the list!!

Physical Fitness

The first thing to ascertain is that you both are physically well to conceive a new life. You should consult a doctor and get genetic carrier screening to make sure you do not suffer from any of the hereditary issues which can be carried to the baby as well. This is especially important for a mother.

Also, another specialist you should consider visiting is a dentist. Yup, your undetected gum problems and bad oral health can cause miscarriage!! In fact, it is said that a good oral routine during the pregnancy alone prevents a lot of miscarriages!! 

A doctor consultation also helps decode what medicines you might be taking and whether they should be taken or not!! And, a pre-check up is also informative about the proper dates of conception and what all other things should be kept in mind medically!! 

5 things to consider before conceiving a baby

Healthy Lifestyle

Howsoever you might be leading a healthy or a hectic or a stressful life, you do not ever want your kid to enter the world in those circumstances. So, it is a good time to get onto the healthy schedule which you have forever been procastinating!
  • Getting up early in the morning
  • Skipping on the junk food and actually consuming regular HEALTHY meals all through the day
  • Not stressing about anything in particular
  • Exercising everyday or at least 3 times a day
  • Controlling weight
  • Cutting back on the caffeine
  • Going to bed early
So, these are just few things which should be on your list. Btw, I would like to again stress on being back in shape and bringing your weight under control. For one, if you are overweight it puts extra stress on your spinal cord and you might get prone to backaches after your delivery. And, secondly, coming back into shape is easier if you are healthier before! 

#DidYouKnow you should not gain more than 9kgs during child bearing!!

Financial Well-being

This is in conjunction to the earlier point. You will be obviously less stressed when you do not have to think about money. So, get over your money troubles way before thinking of a baby. You would want to provide every possible luxury to them, as much as you can afford!! 

But, overspending or not being able to buy their basic needs definitely come under the not-being-financially-sound for a baby. So, do have considerable savings and be able to plan for at least next two years of budget including all the baby things which are very expensive now a days!! And, do not forget the vacations. 

Some people do think of too much like getting a house and a car and a good career and so delay the baby process. But, I would like to mention here that too much of a delay is not really good for either the baby or the parents and the car and career and your house can be accommodated along with the baby. 

When I am talking about finance, I just mean a well-settled life and having enough to spend on your family without feeling the pinch! Not waiting for your entire life to get into order. There is no perfect time for such things!!

5 things to consider before conceiving a baby

Emotional Well-being

Now, that we have physical fitness and finances taken care of, the couple that is you both must be emotionally ready to take charge of a new life among you both. Get rid of all the family issues you might have with your extended family, among yourselves and other things. 

And, if they are unavoidable, stop creating a negative environment and stressing yourself about them. I know it is not as easy to do as to write about it but I can just say that being positive and happy is the only solution to that problem. And, both you and your spouse must be happy and accept the situation as they are. Either of you cribbing will not help!!


So, now that you are probably entirely ready, I would say consider the environment in which you would want to bring up your kid. For example, you might not be staying in the most ideal location. 

Or, you have been thinking of moving to a safer and a place where there are a lot of kids or may be closer to a school or a play school. It is better to make such decisions beforehand because last minute shifting and things might not be really possible. Similarly, have a doctor closer at hand as well. Or, a hospital.

These are just a few things which I can come up with right now which you should consider before conceiving. Now, it is your turn. What do you think are some of the things which must be considered? What have you considered, if you are already pregnant or have a baby? How did you pre-conception time come about?

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