

Thursday, December 3, 2015

Hiya, I am back!!

Ok, I was back on Saturday itself but a long unwinding on Sunday and back to work from Monday is really taking a toll on me!! Anyways, I have lots of juicy gossip and a special one to start the entire wedding story with. 

How was it you would ask? Well, there were lots of smiles and cries and few frowns, all in one. But, all in all, everything went well. Yes, I am trying to settle down right now so there are a few hiccups. 

Tomorrow is the 16th day function which officially marks the end of wedding celebrations. What happens tomorrow is something I will explain in detail. Ok, typing with all the chooda in the arms is damn difficult. Good that I did not try it before today! 

Btw, tomorrow I am getting rid of the chooda. Don't get me wrong, I love them. Everyone loved them, in fact, just for the fact that the chooda was so different here and gives the perfect bride-sy look. But, they got so heavy and I think I got the smaller size so I could wear only half of my chooda. Will narrate the story later. In short, I am not able to do any regular works with them on my hands and worse still I can not reach my back to clean it :D