

Friday, December 18, 2015

Its Just Life Vol. 2 - One-month already?

How can life be so cruel to me? I have forever thought that being married would be a totally different experience and here I am often forgetting that I am married! When people say your husband, I look at them blankly!!

Going to any party or function feels like I have landed back in time when I used to accompany my parents to a place full of unknown people and I was always so awkward! The only difference is now its minus parents. In fact, my married life feels like a live-in with a friend with parental consent :D

And, here I am with one month already over!! Gosh, how did I even land up here and especially since last 20 days have so trying on me with me being lifted and thrown into some other dimension of the universe. I have to concede here that now I understand why girls should be married off early. Being used to staying alone does complicate the situations further.

Nah, if you are thinking something major unhappy events have occurred, nothing of the sort. Only that I have been thrown in a phase of perpetual confusion where I am totally wandering down in a storm. My friends are all saying that I am thinking too much and I should only enjoy the moment. 

But, I am somehow not able to achieve that euphoria associated with new brides. Its like I am just waiting for something to happen and then I will be happy but happiness never really comes that way!! You have to be happy no matter what and then wait for the better to happen, right?  

Is any of you going through the same phase as mine? Can you relate to my confusions? Any advise would be welcome :)

Hiya, I am back!!
Scheduled Post!