

Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Just Gossip Vol. 25 - The Year 2013!

So, this was a roller coaster year! It has been quite an eventful year after a very long dull phase in the life and it had started at good note. So, here are a few countdowns on what I did and learned this year! Some random jottings.
  1. I traveled a lot - Guwahati, Kharagpur, Jim Corbett, Singapore, Podgatlapalli (which is a village in AP, even I can not pronounce it).
  2. I got married. Well, obviously!
  3. I wrote a short story which was well-received to whomsoever I passed it :)
  4. I was more positive and optimistic this year. 
  5. I stuck to the exercise regime more stringently this year. 
  6. I am more confident with my flaws. 
  7. I know that compromise happens only when we let it happen. 
  8. Dream on and know what you want and you will get it. 
  9. Patience is very very important. 
  10. I made my own bed for the first time - the double bed!! 
  11. I actually catered to some of the relative guests who came to the house. I had never done that at my house - always left it to the super-mom. 
  12. I have new appreciation for whatever my mom does for the house. 
  13. I have realized it this year that how uncannily I copy my mum's methods in everything. (This I had realized before marriage only!)
  14. I actually had a bath and not in a bathroom!! Well, yea, the village I am talking did not have bathroom. Yikes, I know! I had to use 2-3 bed sheets to make a make-shift bathroom and took bath, that too head-bath! My cousins did help, of course!
  15. I planned a trip (Singapore) and it was more or less successful so I get to do more of them :D Have to see where I am heading next!
  16. Negativity comes far too easily and it is very easy to complain and to resist is a bitch!!
  17. I love jewelery but do not like being told what to wear and what not! Come to that matter, I do not like being told anything by anyone else!!
  18. I am usually a good judge of people but its good to not judge anytime.
  19. I want to read more. 
  20. Confusion is a state of mind I totally hate! Oh yeah, I am perpetually confused.
  21. Your health is very very important. Do not compromise on it or take it for granted even for a single day!
  22. I hate local commute. I love staying close to workplace. 
  23. Regular exercise is very important. 
  24. It is good to explore the wider horizons of life than being curled up in monotony.   
  25. You are not the same person you were when you read point 24. Yes, I mean you are changing every single second of the day. You are not what you were a minute before. You are evolving and it is ok. Do not be afraid of it. Accept it and love it and enjoy it. 
  26. Talk to older people. They can teach you a lot!! Talk to younger people. You will learn a lot. 
  27. Save before you spend. 
  28. Love your body as it is and it will mould to how you want!!
  29. Get a body massage at a good place. It can be a lifetime experience.
  30. Roller-coaster rides were and will never be my cup of tea!! For all those who went to universal studios mummy ride, how was it?? I was parched and I got a crick in the neck and my heart was in my mouth.
And, THE SECRET - Whatever you believe in will come true. Nothing else matters. So, always think good and dream on.   

Just Gossip Vol. 5 - New Year and New Resolutions on the Beauty and Blogging Sector

So, today is the last day of the year and since we made it through the apocalypse without any harm to Earth or its infrastructure, we should congratulate ourselves. And, welcome the new year with even more gusto. That calls for an introspection of what it means to die. 

Anyways. So, here is saying good bye to 2012 which has definitely taught me a lot of things but I am not able to recall anything of importance right away to share with you. So, let's see what I am planning for next year. 

My Blogging Resolutions for 2013
  • I shall try to blog regularly on the weekdays on both of my blogs, public holidays included :D
  • On a personal front, I would like to learn 12 new things this year and that would be different from the things we learn daily in life. I hope I am able to reach half of this goal :) 
    • Ok, so, this thing has been going on for some days and I want to announce my other blog in another niche. Its all about inspired living and its different. Its about life and relationships and all other things which I observe and write about. Since I have only started it on 12th December, I am kind of skeptical and would love your opinions on it. So, if you are interested, please go ahead and check out. The blog is Moments and Seconds :) Honestly, its not easy to write it but I am persevering!! 
      I am not really able to think of any more!! Any advises???

      What I realized in 2012
      • I was very shy to apply lip balms in front of others but now I give a damn to anyone who has time enough to stare at me. Yay! And, thanks to Roshni for this :)
      • I realized that I love red color in my footwear!! I got new floaters in red and I am loving them. I have to thank one very special person in my life for this :) 
      • And, I also realized that howsoever much I might love colors, I would always stick to monochrome. I am more utilitarian in my tastes as compared to artistic. And, when I try to become artistic, things don't get better :(
      • I had realized this long back but I don't only have two left feet but two left hands as well :D I can't carry lot of things in my hands so I need a huge sling bag or backpack instead of a trendy handbag!!  
      • I should read more books because it helps me think better and improves my perspicacity of things! Oh no, not self-helps one or the non-fiction types!!
      And, this is adieus to 2012. And, I realize I am an year older which makes me sad as well as happy!! See you folks in the new year :) Have a blast and wish you all a very very happy and prosperous new year!!

      Are you keeping any resolutions??? Do share. I am dying to know :)

      Its Just Life Vol. 3 - Not all things happen for the good!!

      Or, may be they do. Only we are too short-sighted to understand the play of universe!! Well, ok, I am going to be a little morbid on the second last day of the year. For tomorrow, I am reserving a personal post - the highs and lows of this year!! But, before that I wanted to talk about an unfortunate event that took place in my friend's life!!

      Well, few months back, I think I did talk about my friend's fear of the baby's heart not being audible! The same friend had to undergo a C-section last Sunday due to some viral infection and increase in platelet count. And, she had just entered the seventh month or probably in the middle of it. So, the baby was really tiny and was kept in the incubator but unfortunately he could not survive beyond a week.

      How awful it can be is something which I can not even begin to fathom. In fact, this was quite a turn in my life coz I never really had to go to give condolences to anyone, not even my mom and dad for that matter when their loved ones passed away. Till date, I have been really affected only by two deaths - one is my grandfather's and later one of my friend's mom passed away due to cancer!!

      And, coming back to the topic of my friend's loss, when I conveyed this message to one of our colleagues who is an elder person, what she said was something very profound. She said whatever happened, it happened for the good. My friend was not really ready and the baby came unexpectedly and there are too many problems in her life to have a baby at her hands. In a way if I am look at the circumstances, this might be right as well but somehow you can never really console yourself to the bereavement of a life!! Who said everything happens for the good?

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      Tuesday, December 29, 2015

      Pain or Gain??

      Let me tell you how I managed to get rid of his really sexy stubble!! One day, he, himself, provided me with the time and occasion to teach him a lesson.

      Mr. Husband (calls from the office) : Hey Sweetheart!! How are you doing? Are you too tired from the day? Or, you ready to go on a date?

      Me (just back from office and sipping tea watching Mr. Bond, isn't he all cleaned up and sexy??) : What?? Date? What's so special today?

      Mr. Husband (reddening on the other side): Uhh...I thought you would like us to go out more often! And, I am getting free early so I thought I might as well use the evening.

      Me (smiling to myself for the flattery which comes so un-often!) : Yeah, stop making puppy faces! I can recognize it on the phone, as well. Fine, I shall be ready. Where are we going?

      Mr. Husband (brimming with male pride and something else as well) : Well, let that be a surprise, Darling!

      Me (raising an eyebrow) : Well, ohk! Make sure you come back on time or you are going to stay out of the house for the next week. You know the drill already!

      Mr. Husband (winking naughtily) : Yeah, sure! We shall see how you keep me out.

      And, then, I decided to pamper myself and to dress to kill. I have to admit what ever faults my husband has, he is a busy man and his effort to take out time for an unplanned date must have been going on for months in his head. But, he also has a downside and that's the habit I wanted him to get rid of.

      I had to make full use of this occasion to get what I wanted and I had hit on the perfect strategy. Remember, who waits patiently often gets what he wants. And, almost after an hour, bingo, he was back on time for dinner. Sure, that was surprising!

      Mr. Husband : See, I came back on time. And, wow, you are looking so amazing! 
      Me : Good for you. Now, go and get ready!

      Mr. Husband: What, why??? I am looking fine.

      Me (talking sexily) : Well, if I am looking so sexy, I want my husband to look equally awesome, right?? Please get ready for me.

      Mr. Husband : Come on, you know your husband is sexy enough to make women drool on him even when tired from a day at office. I shall just refresh myself and then we shall leave.

      I give up!! I know him. No, he is not the one to think about his looks but he definitely is lazy enough to not bother with all the frivolities. I wish I could make him realize that how I wanted him to make special efforts to get ready. No, its not for someone else but for us.

      But, some things just don't enter a man's head. Anyways, he was ready after like 20 minutes. And, boy, he does look awesome even with that sexy stubble. I could kiss him right away and forgo the date for dessert *naughty wink*.

      So, we went out for our date and had really amazing food in one of the most romantic ambiances of the city. And, I knew that the night was going to be really special and steamy. I was already feeling guilty for spoiling it. But, I had to do it.

      After dinner, we went to our special place and had the most amazing desserts and relived our dating days. We had not talked like this for few months now and now we felt as if time had turned back.

      We went back. Kissing started right as we locked our main door and the bed wasn't exactly far enough. Everything was perfect and I wanted it to go that way.

      He has a strange fascination to my feet and he always kisses them. Yes, it makes me feel special but, today, I was not feeling so special coz I knew that in sometime our night would be ruined.

      He kissed my toes and then heels and then the ankle and then started towards the calf muscles from the shin bones.

      And, suddenly, something stung his lips. Ooh...they are really soft. I love kissing them and I felt, instantly, I should pull him back. But, it was too late. He tries kissing my legs again and again it stung his lips.

      He said you have ants on your body and that made me burst out laughing. I was like are you crazy? He was like something stung me on my lips. He tries again and same thing. He switched on the light. And, there it was - the moment of truth.

      Mr. Husband : You didn't shave?? 

      Me (guiltily) : Yeah, I didn't have time so I thought I would leave it like that. And, you always keeps on saying its sexy so I thought you wouldn't mind. 

      Mr. Husband (bursts out laughing) : You didn't think anything like that. I know why you did it. You don't like my stubble so you wanted revenge, right? Fine, I am sorry but you know its really tiring to shave and get ready and then again go out. I am sorry. 

      Me : I know but I wish you would make some effort for these special days. And, I couldn't think of any other way to pass you the message. 

      Mr. Husband : Well, I totally loved the way you passed the message. And, the night continues...

      And, we lived happily ever after. Yup, that was the end to all my woes. Ok, not all times but he did make some efforts at some special times and I was just glad for that. And, his stubble is there on all the other days which I don't find particularly annoying. How did you make your man get rid of that habit?

      This post is a part of the 'Shave or Crave' movement in association with BlogAdda.com

      Sunday, December 27, 2015

      Just Gossip Vol. 4 - Changes in my Lifestyle!

      Since I mentioned about my yoga classes, I thought I would also make a list of the lifestyle changes it has brought in me which I am totally loving!! Now, I am less on junk and more on fibre. But, its just not the result of yoga alone but a combination of many other things. 

      No Snacks
      Earlier, I used to prepare some maggi or something coz I feel hungry in the evenings. And, a healthier option takes a lot of time to prepare. But, since my yoga classes are from 6 to 7, I have to make sure I don't eat anything for at least an hour or two before. 

      That helps with skipping all the junk I would get into my system in the evenings generally. I have stopped having samosas or golgappas or any such things. At max, I have a glass of milk at around 7:45 or something after having a bath in the evening. 

      More Fruits
      A guy in our workplace goes every Wednesday to the farmer's market nearby and gets fruits and veggies. So, he started asking us out and whenever one of the people from here go, I do ask them to get some fruits. This has been a new development in the last two weeks. 

      So, I have been having a lot of oranges this week and last. I do have pomegranates as well but since they take a bit more of work, they are just sitting in my room waiting for their turn. I shall definitely finish them this weekend.

      Herbal Tea and Less Sugar
      Earlier, we used to have the regular tea in my workplace because the herbal tea option was missing and I had been planning since quite long to skip the tea which wasn't really easy. I do need something or the other to drink. 

      So, a few days back, we bought a new pantry for ourselves which includes a lot of herbal teas. Now, I am hooked up to herbal teas. But, there is one downside to this situation. We have coffee as well and its pretty decent so I am unable to resist the temptation ;)

      Saturday, December 26, 2015

      5 reasons you might not be sleeping well {Five Series}

      So, when I was in Delhi, I wasn't really sleeping well. Yup, it happens because my dad disturbs me a lot :D Nah, its actually that he gets up at very odd times and he either snores heavily or his nasal tract problem wakes me up. I always keep on wondering how mom is able to sleep.

      When I caught cold, my nose was giving me issues and one day I developed some allergy suddenly due to which I had bad itching and the whole skin was turning red and covered with bumps. So, all these things one after another culminated in not so comfortable sleeping patterns.

      So, I sat down and listed some possible reasons apart from disturbances which might hamper the regular sleep process and they are very simple. They are all day to day habits which we wither ignore or take for granted. Sometimes it also happens that we do sleep but when we get up we don't feel refreshed. Why?

      Yup, this is the biggest issue. You should sleep in total darkness because even a flicker of light is caught by the eyes and that interferes with the deep sleep processes. So, one of the alternatives is to use a sleeping mask so that even if there is a bed light on, it shouldn't disturb the sleep.

      Body is not too tired or IS TOO TIRED
      So, yup, this is one of the most common reasons why you do not sleep well. Not doing enough work in a day or making your body too much work that it aches makes the sleep disturbed.

      Because, if the body is too tired, a comfortable sleeping position is not reached. And, if it is not tired at all, again the body's clock doesn't work properly.

      Room Temperature not Comfortable
      If the temperature of the room is too hot or too cold, the body is in an uncomfortable position. Also, remember that the body temperature drops in sleep by around 1 or 2 degrees to preserve energy. Also, using too many blankets or too less blankets also makes a difference.

      Reading an interesting Book or watching something disturbing just before sleeping
      When we sleep, whatever we think just before sleeping often has a lot of role in dreams or brain activity after we sleep. If it is something very interesting or very disturbing, the body never enters the deep state of sleep and remains in a lucid state the entire night.  

      Dependence on Alarm Clocks
      Well, this is probably the most difficult habit to get rid of. But, unfortunately, this is one of the reasons why you might not wake up refreshed. Alarm clock doesn't interfere with sleep process but it interferes with the natural waking process. 

      Human body is supposed to fall asleep with the dark and wake up with the first ray of sunlight hitting the body. That is why, generally, it is advised to wake up early in the morning. And, if you keep your room sufficiently ventilated, you would find that you do wake up when the sunlight hits your bedroom. 

      But, due to the disturbed lifestyles, one hardly sleeps till it is late at night and when the alarm clock rings just near the ear in the morning without giving you adequate sleep, it leaves you feeling dizzy and heavy. Also, sometimes, body keeps awake in the anticipation of the alarm ring subconsciously!

      So, what do you think are the reasons one might not sleep well?

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      Friday, December 25, 2015

      Just Gossip Vol. 3 - My Yoga Classes and changes in my Body!

      So, why I have not been regular on the blog is because I have joined artistic yoga by Bharat Thakur. Now, don't ask me how they were in the starting because I was literally dead in the first week :D Second week was scary as well but a little less scary!!

      Now, third week has commenced and I was down on Tuesday so I was in a dilemma to continue or not. Anyways, that's for another post. I wanted to join some activity which would keep me healthy and help me test my body limits even more and this came. 

      Man, abs exercises are killing!!! Anyways, I want to just list down how my body has changed in the past few weeks. Btw, these classes are for an hour and only on the weekdays. They will end in January and I am tensed how will I keep up. Because, right now, the compulsion and community is working as a motivation.

      How my body changed?
      • I lost weight, of course!!
      • I have more energy, I am less tired and more active. 
      • I am happier. 
      • My body feels lighter. 
      • I have surprised myself by doing some things which I never thought I could do.
      • I sleep really well.
      • I sleep early. 
      • And, I am getting up in the morning at right time!! And, without feeling groggy or anything.
      • The best part is even now that I am down, I am finding that my periods time is going on a lot smoother. 
      • Another great thing is that my PMS was literally non-existent!! Yes, there were mood swings but not as intense as past few months. 
      • I am less stressed out and probably my productivity is better (not sure though)!
      • I am more positive in outlook and I have a positive aura. 
      • Now, whether my skin is glowing or not, I don't really know!! 
      • My blood circulation has definitely improved. I can feel more blood flowing in my head. 
      • I am feeling more hungry, enjoying the taste of food and I am a lot less negative in outlook.
      • This is the first time I have ever joined such classes and that's one thing which has made me happy!
      • My head aches are a lot more in control now :)
      • My body is so much lighter!! I can find more agility in my body as well :)
      These are a few things right now I have noticed in myself which is making me very reluctant to not continue the next month but, honestly, there are financial considerations as well so I am kind of double-minded about it. I will probably try out something else!!

      PS: This post is written on 19th December, 2012. 

      Related Posts:
      Just Gossip Vol. 1 - Milestones This Year and Blogging Round Up of 2012!
      Just Gossip Vol. 2 - The Big News!!