

Monday, November 30, 2015

Loving It / Using It Vol. 13 - Vaadi Herbals Instaglow Almond & Honey Face Pack

Vaadi Herbals Instaglow Almond & Honey Face Pack product review for dry skin care

A while back I was sent out their clay based face pack and now we have this. I prefer this over the other one because this an apt product for winters. As the name suggests, the product is creamy and nourishing and I totally love to use it :)

Loving / Using It : Using It

Vaadi Herbals Instaglow Almond & Honey Face Pack product review for dry skin care

  • Price: Rs 90 for 120 gms  
  • Availability. generally available on online stores like flipkart, nykaa. Vaadiherbals.com is the existing brand website as well. 
  • Packaging. It comes in a tube so easy to squeeze out and hygienic as well. It is travel-friendly too.    
  • Type of Skin. It is amazing for dry skin, not so much for combination or oily!
  • Easy to Apply. If I can say that the above-mentioned face pack was easy to apply, this goes on like a dream. The consistency is that of a mousse. 
  • Results. It leaves my face looking soft and glowing. The best part of the product is it can be used everyday
  • Ingredient List not specified. Like the cuticle oil, the ingredient list is missing.    

Vaadi Herbals Instaglow Almond & Honey Face Pack product review for dry skin care

Overall Verdict

One of the really good face packs I have used in a long time so definitely, yes!!

Have you tried out the product? Did you like it? 

Other products from Vaadi Herbals:

Soulflower Giveaway!!! [CLOSED]

Soulflower Jojoba Oil, Grapeseed Oil and Rose potpurri at Perfect Skin Care for you

So, welcome December 1st and countdown to 2013 starts!! Oh, I almost forgot the world is gonna die on 21st December, remember?? Just coz Mayan people were too tired to calculate their calender beyond that date!!! Hehe...

Anyways, as I promised, this would be a bast of a month and probably might be a little less on posts so please excuse me but I shall more than make up for it in terms of goodies :D

So, lets proceed with the first set of goodies awaiting you. Today's giveaway is sponsored by Soulflower and they are in fact giving away a lot of things!! 2 vouchers of Rs 750, 4 sets of Soaps to 4 different participants. And, the giveaway is on for only 10 days. So, not a long wait either :D

Now, some rules:
  • Open to Indian participants ONLY
  • Giveaway ending on 10th December, 2012 at 11:59PM
  • Fill the following Rafflecopter form correctly because all entries would be validated
  • Mandatory Entry - Subscribe to Perfect Skin Care for you using the subscription widget on the sidebar and DO NOT forget to verify the subscription. I am checking them as well ;)
  • We have two other contests, one on Pinterest and one of Facebook, which are exclusive to the participants of those entries ONLY so if you want to improve your chances of winning, you can finish those entries as well.

Pinterest and Facebook Contest
Soulflower is interested in knowing which products would you like as a date gift!! So, you are supposed to create a facebook album or a pin board on Pinterest of 5 products from Soulflower which you think would make the perfect date gift.

Yes, its a bit of a work but then 2 of the Pinterest entries and 2 of the Facebook entries would each get a soap as a gift from Soulflower. Don't forget to paste the correct links and let me know if you have any queries regarding the giveaway. 

And, don't forget to tag Perfect Skin Care, Swati Murti, Soulflower in the facebook album you create. That's mandatory for your entry to qualify!! And, paste the links properly in the Rafflecopter form.

PS: If you are reading this mail from email client, please visit the website for participating in the giveaway by clicking HERE.
PS2: You don't have to repeat the links in the comments section if you have entered them in the form. The comment links would not be validated or considered for the giveaway!!!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Sunday, November 29, 2015

Some Random Product Reviews - Part II

Dove Go Fresh Face Wash

Dove Go Fresh Face Wash at Perfect Skin Care for you

Price: Rs 150 for 100gms (approx.)

My Experience
The product is pearly white in color and smells really orangey and fresh. It is specifically for oily skin so in the yes, it did give me dry patches when I was in Delhi. But, in Hyderabad, its going on fine. 

Its not making my skin dry or stretched or anything. But, it doesn't do anything for the blackheads. Its specifically for summers, what I felt and anyway my skin is combi-dry so probably not a good product to suit me.

Lass Naturals Rose & Honey Soap Free Face Wash

Lass Naturals Rose & Honey Soap Free Face Wash at Perfect Skin Care for you

Price: Rs 135 for 100gms (that's approx!)

My Experience
Ok, so this is an unheard brand for many of you but it has been there on my shelf and in the market for quite a long time.  have in fact used this product long long back in January. But, its a worth mentioning product. 

It smells of roses and the ingredients are all natural or would say skin-friendly and it has Sodium Benzoate for preservative for those who don't like parabens for whatever reason!!

Lass Naturals Rose & Honey Soap Free Face Wash at Perfect Skin Care for you

Anyways, getting on to the product, its thick and gelatin-y in texture. It foams decently and cleanses really well. It doesn't dry the skin and leaves it soft enough and didn't stretch my skin in that winter month. 

It lasted me for a month so the price and quantity is decent. The only issue I found with the brand was that the packaging wasn't good at that time. But, I think they would have improved on that by now. I would definitely say that its a good product to try out!!

Auravedic Restructuring Hair Oil with Bitter Orange and Lemon

Auravedic Restructuring Hair Oil with Bitter Orange and Lemon at Perfect Skin Care for you

Price: Rs 250 for 100ml

My Experience

Auravedic Restructuring Hair Oil with Bitter Orange and Lemon at Perfect Skin Care for you

Auravedic Restructuring Hair Oil with Bitter Orange and Lemon at Perfect Skin Care for you

I don't really have much to say about this oil, unfortunately :( It was a very thrilling buy for me but the product turned out to be really flat. Its a thin colourless oil which smells of lemon, more or less.

It is light so should be washed off easily but the problem is that I apply a LOTT of oil so it didn't get washed off completely which was a surprise for me!! As such, I didn't find it do anything special for my hair, either!!!

Saturday, November 28, 2015

I am blocked!!

Ok, so, since morning I have been thinking on a topic to write. No, its not like there is dearth or something of topics but I am not able to write. Nothing is coming naturally. Some times blogging is so hard.

Anyways, so, I thought I would share some news instead. December is almost on the door step and its the third anniversary of the blog so I am excited and I did work a bit hard to bring to you guys something special. So, I do hope you enjoy it. Surprise would be revealed on 1st so not that much time :)

Oh btw, how do you like the Parachute ads? I find them to be desperate to market themselves on the basis of sexuality. Sorry if it offends someone but that's how I find it. I don't find them aesthetic. On the other hand, I am loving the Idea ads these days.

The ones which are on the theme of celebrating all festivals, no matter the religion. Especially, the sardarji uncle who acts like a Santa Claus...he looks so cute..don't you think?? And, I do think the catch line or theme makes sense. What do you say?   

So, be ready and pull up your sleeves for some work :D Oh btw, how do you like the idea of facebook giveaway??

Friday, November 27, 2015

Kama Soap-free Face Cleanser Mridul Dupe {DIY}

Kama Soap-free Face Cleanser Mridul Dupe {DIY}

So, it has been ages since I have done any DIY. In fact, this recipe is also very old and should have been published long long back but I was too lazy to click the pics and put them on the blog. 

Anyways, while in the Kama shop, I picked up their face cleanser and checked out the ingredients. They were all available at home so I decided to note them down and recreate the product at home!

And, yes, it was pretty much same. Only the Kama product was more finely ground and not as scrubby in texture. So, lets check out the ingredients first.


  • Chickpeas
  • Fennel
  • Almond
  • Turmeric
  • Camphor
  • Green gram dal
  • Oatmeal
  • Cinnamon
  • Rose
  • Neem


Ok, so, the percentage of these ingredients is not really mentioned so we assume our own quantities and proceed with the recipe. So, the first ingredient is generally 80% of the product. So, you have a cup of besan / chickpea flour and 2% of all the other ingredients on a rough estimate. 

I think what my mom did was she did not take as much of besan as was required. Instead, she made them all equal portions. Anyways, put all the ingredients in a huge plate (except camphor) and let them dry in shade for half a day or more. And, then, grind them as fine as possible. 

Add camphor in the end and run the grinder once more. That's it! Your homemade soap free face cleanser Mridul is ready! And, it smells more or less camphor-y and since we have a lot roses in it, a lot rose-y. But, yes, we need more of chickpea flour over there. I have just started using this DIY so will let you know the results in some time :) 

Till then, you might also check out the product and try it on your own in the house, what say?

Related Posts:
Tea Tree Oil for Pests and Mosquitoes
Clove and Camphor Oil for Hair
Turmeric infused Almond Oil

Omved Anirveda Body / Bath Oil {Product Review}

Omved Anirveda Body / Bath Oil at Perfect Skin Care for you

Price: Rs 590 for 80ml

Online - Naturalmantra

Almond, Olive, Jojoba, Orange, Lemon, Lavender and Mogra (Jasmine) oils

it gets absorbed super quick!!
keeps skin moisturized for decent time
 will suit all skin types, even oily

damn the expense!! 
might not be enough for extremely dry skin!
hate the packaging!

My Experience
Ok, I got the 30ml bottle from the website as part of their promotional campaign. Well, as you all already know that I do splurge heavily on the website so what else should I say?

Ok, I won't say its the perfect website to shop from coz there have been hitches but Nishant and Tina (the owner couple) are very helpful and generally handle the grievances soon enough and very efficiently.

And, coming back to the product, it gets absorbed into the skin like a dream!! Seriously, it beats Forest Essentials as well in that depo if you don't count the fragrance. 

This smells more herbal and Earthy which is also not repulsive but I donno why it smells like that considering the essential oils in the product. But, the problem is that it might not be enough for extremely dry skin in winters. 

It comes in a aluminium or tin bottle (donno which) and has a round opening with a stopper. I wish it came in a classier looking packaging looking at the price! Donno if the packaging differs for the 80ml pack.

But, one thing which I really want to mention is the price!! Its damn expensive. Also, I wanted to remind you guys that last few days are left to avail the special 10% reader discount at the website so don't forget to use it :)

PS: Product sent by website for self-promotion.

Other products from Omved:
Omved Intense Moisturizing Cream
Omved All Skin Types Ubtan

Thursday, November 26, 2015

Dare to Change : Learn a new Activity!!

Oh yes, I have let this series lie dormant for quite a while. I don't know why but I got extremely lazy. I have been meaning to write this post since quite long but was never in that frame of mind. Because, this particular activity is both physically and emotionally challenging for the body. 

I was ready for the physical but not emtional aspect of the post so we shall just skip it for now. Though, beware, I might write about that in the flow of the post :) Sometimes, when we bloggers write, we just forget what all we should put in words and write almost everything that comes to mind. 

In fact, only a few nights back, I actually realized that I was WRITING. I mean how different is writing articles from blog posts??? I had always thought I hate writing and here I am confounded with that revelation which was always there in the deep recesses of my mind. Ok, I am digressing.

Ufff...see how we get carried away :D Anyways, that is human nature. We get carried away doing something and discover something else in the process which we absolutely fall in love with. So, its a good thing to learn a new activity. 

It can be anything from the simple womanly accomplishments from the Victorian standards like knitting or stitching to the mannish activities of riding a bike (applies to both genders). You know many women have told me that riding a bike is a life-changing experience.

In fact, my professor always used to ask me if I knew knitting. Because, he used to draw analogies between knitting and programming. Well, yes, it sounds funny in the first hearing but its true that when you learn more and more things, you tend to see the patterns in everything.    

And, those very patterns are things which you apply whenever you face problems in any area. There are books written on this topic (problem solving). So, that's why you should learn new activities. It helps change perspectives, broaden the mind to various other aspects which you might have been blind to and look at things HOLISTICALLY, as my prof would say. 

Well, I guess in the end, the post really became about more of emotional than the physical advantages of learning the activity. Anyways, these reasons are also good enough. Btw, I want leave you all with a question - Do you think running and walking are similar activities? 

So, what do you think about learning a new thing everyday? And, don't forget to answer the question asked in the end :)

Previous Dare to Change challenges:
Chuck gadgets away while walking

Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Just Gossip Vol. 38 - Turning 1!!

first wedding anniversary

Haha...do not get confused. I am not talking about the blog or me. I am talking about my wedding to P. We turned 1 a few days back. And, when I really think back, its weird. The time just flew by. In fact, everyone who called up said the same thing. 
  • Finally, I got to taste some good red wine!!
  • You tend to reminisce a lot about how it was when you were single! 
  • Marriage is way different than the regular relationships. 
  • It is an opportunity to explore yourself if you have an encouraging partner. 
  • Having a supportive partner can help you achieve your dreams. 
  • Sometimes, love is the last thing you need. 
  • Those of you who have read Men are from Mars and  Women are from Venus book would find themselves referring to each and every word of the book and you probably would have committed the book word by word to memory. 
  • You might be two separate individuals for yourselves but you are one entity for outsiders, including parents. Never let anyone come in between. 
  • This is your family. You are responsible for setting the tone in your relationship. 
  • For females, do not overrule him or submit to his better judgement. Have a personality of your own and show it. 
  • For males, marriage does not mean continuing the patriarchy or subjugation to wife, it is all about living in harmony allowing the accommodation of both the personalities. 
  • And, whosoever said marriage is about compromise, I would like to say that I have always firmly believed that if you compromise, you can never be truly happy. A happy marriage is all about acceptance which takes time and does not happen overnight. 

Related Posts:
Just Gossip Vol. 37 - Some movie mentions!!
Just Gossip Vol. 36 - A difficult business!!
Just Gossip Vol. 35 - Bloggie Vacation!

Some Random Product Reviews - Part I

Vaseline Total Moisture Cocoa Glow

My Experience
Ok, my experience is not much so I am not officially reviewing it but its definitely a product to look forward to!!! I have used for, what, 3-4 days. And, my skin was soft, moisturized and not dry for a decently long time, till my next bath which is like in the evening or night!!

A habit which my mom really detests and she says I caught cold coz I have bath at really weird time :D Moms and their complaints!! Anyways, the only problem with the product is it gets sticky if your over-apply. Otherwise, it smells yummy!! Almost like the Vanilla Body Butter by TBS which I got for dad.

The Body Shop Vanilla Body Butter Duo

My Experience
Again very less experience with the product so not a review exactly. But, it smells yummy!!! And, as the name says it has two compartments - one is creamy and not very thick which gets absorbed really quickly and the other is a little heavy but it also gets absorbed quickly enough.

I used the product by mixing both the compartments which gave me a good moisturizing. And, its not greasy either. And, the smell is what lasts with you. My dad has stored it for special occasions looking at the price tag :D And, yes, he loved it as well.

Nivea Creme

My Experience

Totally love this. I mean if you get a chance to go to Germany, don't forget to get the Nivea products from there. Nivea is a German brand and Europe has a quite strict policies of skin care products so their products are really amazing. Its not greasy at all and helps with dry patches.

Tuesday, November 24, 2015

What do you like on Television?

So, I was at home last week and saw a LOTTTTTTTT of TV. Yup, not that great an idea but television is like always on at our house whether anyone watches it or not!! And, I watched literally everything.

Star Plus is always running on here, same was the case there. And, our Tata Sky doesn't have english movie channel package :( Even Harry Potter was coming in Hindi and there was a real hilarious translation :D Ok, lemme narrate that to you!!
It was Harry Potter - The Goblet of Fire movie when Harry and Ron end up fighting because Ron thinks Harry went and dropped his own name for the Triwizard Tournament without telling Ron about it. The fist test was fighting with dragons which Ron comes to know through his brother Charlie and wanted to convey the message to Harry but since they are not on speaking terms, he uses Hermione. Hermione gets confused and ends up conveying only the last part of the intended message and when Harry tries conveying his message back, Hermione shouts back so this is what she says in Hindi!!
Hermione : Main ullo nahi hun (I am not an Owl).
I don't know you found that excerpt funny or not but it was damn funny while watching it :D Anyways, what I totally love watching is Crime Patrol. Whoa, you should have seen the Euthnasia case which was aired a few days back.

It was an acid burn case resulting from eve teasing and it was heart wrenching. They air all the real police cases - solved or unsolved. And, it really makes me thankful for the safe life I have led whether alone or with parents!!

Have you watched it? If yes, how do you like it?

Lose weight with Anjali Mukerjee Health-Total - Advertorial

How exactly do you shed those extra kilos? Do you watch your calories? Do you focus on cranking up your metabolism? People go around asking such questions, looking for answers that will help them with their weight loss goals. More often than not, they fail to receive the results they were hoping for. This is why we bring Anjali Mukerjee Health-Total

Our goal at Anjali Mukerjee Health-Total, run by Anjali Mukerjee (a renowned nutritionist), is to help you eat healthy, not starve you. We follow fully scientific techniques to help you lose weight quickly. We devise food plans—very delicious ones—along with tips on lifestyle. We make use of plant extracts as a part of our weight loss technique.

Practicing healthy eating and taking out time for proper meals in today’s hectic schedules can be a challenging task. But hectic schedules don’t have to derail your diet. In fact, you don’t even need to quit all your favourite food for good and take the path of total abstinence—if you focus on nutrition. Most people are already aware of their unhealthy lifestyles and bad eating habits, but don’t know what to do about it.

With the help of our specialized programme, you don’t have to panic, but just eat right. You no longer have to obsess about what you have done and how much you have eaten so far in life, but focus on what’s ahead. It’s never too late to make smart food and lifestyle choices. We help you set realistic weight loss goals. It takes you through the process with ease and helps stay on track.

The highlight of our specialized and customized weight loss programs is that they are designed to suit every individual. Regardless of your lifestyle and physical health, we make programs that will help every person who comes to us for weight loss. So, we will take into account all your traits and make sure you get desirable results. In fact, most people start noticing changes just in a month from joining the program.

All we require you to do is stick to our healthy eating plan, do a little physical activity such as brisk walking, and you’ll be on your way to a slimmer, healthier body. That’s not all. Even after you have achieved the desired weight, we help you to maintain it with a free-of-cost maintenance plan. Of course, it all comes down to your commitment and diligence. We make every effort to deliver what we promise and help you in losing weight the right way.

Anjali Mukerjee Health-Total is run by Anjali Mukerjee, a renowned nutritionist. She is dedicated to promoting good health and has leveraged her years of experience to help people realise their weight loss goals.

Monday, November 23, 2015

5 tricks to sleep quickly and deeply {Five Series}

So, I have so much trouble sleeping sometimes that the regular tricks have stopped working. So, these are somethings which I have tried and not so much tried but some ideas which might really help with sleeping better. But, first let us review the regular tricks:
  • Drinking a glass of warm milk induces sleep. 
  • Lavender water or Essential Oil also helps relax and soothe mind and sleep.
  • Reading a book. 
  • Closing all electronic devices an hour before bed calms the mind down. 
  • Dim the lights of the room and relax.
  • Meditation, yoga and light exercises can also help.
  • Regular exercises helps regulate the body mechanism. 
  • Eating a light dinner two hours before bed helps too. 
  • Avoid lot of fluids in the evenings. 
These are the regular tricks which help but now I have some more to add to. So, check them out :)

Hinduism has so many chants and hymns and almost all children are supposed to learn some of them. Similarly, all other religions would have their own prayers. When you are ready to go to bed, lie down and chant or say those prayers. It really helps. I have been trying this since three four days and its been helping me more or less. 

Yes, I have mentioned it above. But, I have also noticed that an exciting book can in fact be a deterrent to proper sleep. So, the trick is to read really boring philosophical books or some thing which is interesting but doesn't keep you thinking what happens next. 

I am reading a book right now on thought processes and thinking mechanism of humans. Its damn interesting but I can sleep over it. Another trick which I am borrowing from Tine's blog is listening to audio books or reading really boring subjects. 

Well, listening to audio books is not high on my list coz having any electronic device at that times causes chaos in my mind. But, yes, reading a really boring book is an anti-dote. In fact, recently, I laid down my hand on a book which is very negative and pessimistic and trust me, I am hating it so much that I sleep :D

Lights OFF
Yes, I have mentioned it. But, don't underestimate the power of darkness to induce yourself to sleep. Sleeping with eye masks on is also a great idea as it forces you to close your eyes and drift gently. Well, I have not tried it yet so can't really say how much it works. But, yup, its a trick which I will try soon :) Btw, darkness thing works!!

Oh my gosh!!! This is so relaxing. Switch off the lights, take a bottle of oil or lotion and massage your legs or hands or whatever and you will feel sleepy. It really works like a charm. And, keeps the skin really soft and moisturized. So, added benefits :)

Ok, not candles exactly but a warm room really helps a person sleep. So, you might want to adjust the temperature of your room if you have a thermostat. But, I would say, instead, light a candle because it harmonizes a place. A tea light candle would also do.

So, these are my tricks which really help sleep. Btw, lavender thing doesn't really work for me. But, you can always give it a try!! So, what are your tricks to sleep easily???

Sunday, November 22, 2015

pH level and Citrus Fruits {Skin Care}

Citrus Fruits are one of the most loved fruits for DIY because they lend freshness and cleanse the skin really well. But, they are also very harsh on the skin because of their acidity so one should use them in moderation and also, they make the skin photosensitive. 

So, why should we really bother ourselves with these fruits? Well, because not all citrus fruits have the same level of acidity. Some are gentler on skin and can be used by sensitive skins as well. pH level is the measure of acidity of the fruit. Any chemical is either acidic or alkaline in nature and generally, fruits are acidic.

Some are alkaline as well. But, right now, we are talking about citrus fruits and they are acidic so let us look at the pH values of some widely available fruits to know which can be used safely on skin and which should be avoided. Though, lemon is the most loved citrus fruit. 

Most Acidic Fruits
Tangerine - 3.90, Grapefruit - 3.38, Lime - 2.40, Lemon - 2.30
Least Acidic Fruits
Mandarin - 11.50, Orange - 4.35, Kumquat - 3.95
Also, remember that as the fruit ages, its acidity decreases.(Source)

Now, the pH level of the skin around 5.4 so if you use orange instead of lemon, its more gentle on skin. Even I was surprised to know that mandarin is alkaline and not acidic. When I was writing this post, I was reminded that I prefer tomatoes to lemon so checked its pH value as well. 

pH value of fresh tomato ranges between 4.3 and 4.9 (source). In fact, potato is also considered to be great for skin. Its pH value lies between 5 and 6.5 which is relatively very less acidic and more gentle on skin. So, you can now customize your home remedies according to the pH levels of the ingredients :)

Saturday, November 21, 2015

Shahnaz Husain Beauty Tips

I was too lazy to write a new post today and found this ASK SHAHNAZ column in Metro Plus, The Hindu. So, I am sharing those tips here and the credit for this entire article goes to the newspaper. For those who are not aware, Shahnaz Husain is the propagator for beauty industry in India. 

Pimple Marks
  • Mix rice powder with curd and scrub with this paste once or twice a week. Do not use this if you have active acne or pimples, though!! This is only for marks.
  • This is a regular tip. Mix honey and lemon juice and apply on face everyday for 15 minutes. But, I would suggest the sensitive skin people to stay away from lemon and instead go for tomato or cucumber juice.
  • Apply face mask of multani mitti (Indian clay), rose water and lemon juice which is again a regular tip for half hour. 

Dandruff and Greasy Scalp
  • Use lemon water for last rinse. Mix juice of one lemon in half glass of water (around 200ml). And, let the hair air dry.
  • Massage two table spoons of vinegar on scalp half hour before shampooing. [My Tip: Rosemary Essential Oil is amazing for dandruff!]
  • Egg white helps control oily scalp so massage it twenty minutes before washing your hair. 
  • Include fresh fruits, raw salads, sprouts and yogurt in your daily diet. Drink lot of water daily. Having lemon water first thing in the morning also helps. 

Blister developed due to Mosquito bite
  • Never ever scratch the bump or blister. 
  • Dip a tea bag in cold water and apply it on the blister to calm it down and soothe the swelling.
  • Honey, aloevera gel or apple cider vinegar can also be applied as a spot treatment. [My Tip: Light hand massage of Aloevera gel really helps!!]

Excess Sweat and Body Odor 
  • Wear fresh clothes and bathe twice a day, if possible. [My tip: Make sure your clothes dry in good sun even if not direct sunlight!]
  • Add one tea spoon of alum and crushed mint leaves to your bath water
  • Tea Tree essential oil also helps with body odor and controlling sweat. Mix two drops with rose water or normal water and apply on the sweaty areas of the body using cotton ball.

Friday, November 20, 2015

My Haul and other products!!

French Cypress Essential Oil and Vetiver Water

So, let me try to get over the home sickness and blogging work by putting up pics of some of the products I got from there, used there and hauled there. On a second note, the Diwali pics were not that great so I am skipping putting those pics :( My arms are looking like a wrestlers :D Yup, I do have really fat arms!! Anyways, check out the pics.

Yummy smell!!

vanilla body butter duo I got for dad

this is the German version of classic nivea creme which is said to be really good which took care of dry patches I developed there

my cousin got this sample for me when he went to Germany and it smells really good

cup cakes from Spice and Sugar at Khan Market - liked this and their wraps as well..do check the bakery there!!

somebody gifted us Kaju Barfi (we don't buy sweets generally) and my mouth is watering right now!!

that's the rangoli I made...ok, don't laugh!! That's the second ever I made in my entire existence :|

And, I also got Palmolive Thermal Spa Coconut and Jojoba butter body wash or something which also smells like cocoa butter and really yummy!!! I didn't get it to Hyderabad but would definitely buy it when I find it here. Also, it probably doesn't have SLS so double fayda :D

Btw, let me tell you my experience at Kama shop. They have wide enough range and their soaps are yummy smelling but damn expensive (around 400 for 100gms). They have vetiver, mogra (jasmine) and rose distilled waters. They are worth a try, especially the vetiver and jasmine.

I have yet to figure out how to use it. It does say its a face and body mist but I don't know if it lingers on. Will wait till my nose gets ok. Anyways, back to the shop, their EO's are all 800 bucks but they look smell really nice and pure. They have around 14 EO's, will definitely buy them. 

One more thing which attracted me was the shampoo which is like 1000 bucks and they don't have samples so I didn't want to take a risk. With SLS free shampoos, my experiences are really not going that great. Honestly, they don't remove oil. 

Oh btw, did I mention they also have extra virgin coconut and sesame and even almond oil. So, that's the nutshell of the products which I liked. Of course, there are many others. One more product which I wanted to try, but had done my shopping by then, was their body oil which had lily and something!!

So, how did you find the post?

I am Back!!!

Sorry for no post today but I didn't have my laptop with me. Had left it in safekeeping with my friend. That's also the reason for my entire disappearance from the blog :) I have to read and reply to so many comments and mails :) Thanks for that!

Btw, I was keeping a look on the blog all the while to check out what you guys are writing but it was from dad's chotu lappie which is way too small for me. In fact, again getting accustomed to the huge screen is itself an experience. Yup, I am back to Hyd. 

Came back yest and I felt that Hyderabad is way cooler than Delhi. Ok, I know everyone from there would love to kill me but honestly, I felt warm there and then it felt a bit chillier on last Thursday and Friday and then, I was feeling really hot on Sunday. I caught cold as well there :(

Nah, its not exactly a bad cold but just a bit which is apparent with my nasal baritone voice. I could beat Himesh Reshamiyyah's singing (pardon if the spelling is wrong, I am not in a googling mode right now) :D Rest, trip was great and I wore a really pretty suit on Diwali which I would share with you only if the snaps have come up nicely.

And, what else? I did go to Kama shop. And, I got French Cypress Essential Oil from there. Its amazing. Right now my nose is blocked so I am writing that based on the impressions in the store and that of my parents. I smelled it there for quite a while. Yup, pretty expensive.

I have to get into the blogging mode again so the posts might come little lazily. Honestly, a total lazy holiday has taken me into quite a different world and I am right now in a day dream which I want to end ASAP. I wanna go back HOMEEEE. Yup, homesickness at its worst and I am so hungry right now!

Thursday, November 19, 2015

Scheduled Post!

So, by the time you would read this small update, I would be Mrs. P. Gosh, I have had all of them, the panic attacks, the cold feet and hyperventilating of all the emotions. 

There was a small glitch on Friday which I shall talk about later otherwise the ceremonies started on Sunday and by this time, The wedding is over. And, I would be proceeding to the hubby's dad's ancestral village where the house warming and Satyanarayan puja. 

I am sure I will be totally sick of sarees by now but hopefully a bit adept in carrying them. And, what else?? I will probably drop a live update on my way back to Vizag. Ciao till then :-)

Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Do you like Dark Chocolates? {Your Opinion}

Yummyyyyyy!!! I have to confess. I have soooooooooooooo much craving for sweets these days and not the normal sweets like pastries and brownies and cakes and all but the pure Indian ones which are totally smacking of Desi Ghee :D Jalebis, Rasmalai, Halwa, Gajar ka Halwa, Kaju Barfi........yumm!!

I am missing them and my mouth is already watering...ummmm :D Anyways. lets come back to today's topic. So, do you like dark chocolates. You already know my answer. The first word of the post. But, let me talk about how I started liking them. Now, dark chocolates are an acquired taste.

So, once, someone told me that you are not supposed to eat it all at once. Its supposed to be relished everyday a tiny bit. Then, my Europe trip happened and I went to Switzerland from where I got wine dark chocolates and loads of others.

In fact, one I got had 72% cocoa and trust me when I say IT WAS VERY DARK!! And, the more darker the chocolate, more bitter it is. And, if you like sugary sweet things, be prepared to gag for the first time you put it in your mouth. But, once you start flavouring it bit by bit everyday, you are on your way to love Dark Chocolates. 

And, that's my success to loving one of the best things in life :) And, do you know that cocoa has lot of anti-oxidants and are a great anti-aging treatment as well??? Yup, see, chocolates are not so bad after all!! And, so, do you like Indian sweets or the dark chocolates or the usual pastry and brownie stuff???

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Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Kama Ayurveda Rose Jasmine Bath & Body Oil {Product Review}

Kama Ayurveda Rose Jasmine Bath & Body Oil Product Review

So, this was on my last loving it list! And, I am really missing this product. It has been over for a month now and I just realized that I have not yet reviewed it. So, here I am gonna review about the product. Please bear.

gets absorbed very easily
keeps the skin nourished and moisturized for 8 hours
smells delicately of roses

very expensive
can get oily if applied in excess
packaging not friendly
bottle is brittle so beware of its handling

Now, have you ever come across any product which has jasmine but does not stink of it? Well, this is one. It smells of a garden of fresh roses instead of jasmine. I have come to hate the strong scent of jasmine. The problem with jasmine's fragrance is its over-bearing nature which kills all the delicate smells.

Kama Ayurveda Rose Jasmine Bath & Body Oil Product Review

So, I absolutely love that Kama has come up with such a product. Well, we can as well say that they need not mention jasmine! Anyways, the product gets absorbed easily into the skin and you do smell of rose for quite sometime but the fragrance comes as a part of you than overwhelming the entire room.

The only issue I faced with this product is that the bottle does not come with a stopper so you have to be careful of the amount of oil you take. If you take excess oil, obviously, it gets oily and shines on the skin though it disappears in a good 15-30 minutes. And, you need very little of the product to finish the job of moisturization.

No doubt the product is very expensive but once in a while indulgence is fine. Also, since you need only a bit of it, the product does last quite a decent time. For a regular usage of twice a day, it lasted me a month or more and that too when I used the product a bit more than required. So, do give it a try :)

Price: Rs 795 for 100ml

Kama stores across India

Have you tried this or any other Kama Ayurveda product?

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5 Simple Diet Tips to keep my family Healthy which you can also follow {Health}

Lately, being the sole caretaker of the house and our meal plans, I have started drifting towards the easy and not-necessarily healthy meals. Breakfast is proving more difficult to plan in the long run. It looks like a mess menu with 7 days with different breakfasts repeated without break week after week which is really monotonous.

I have not yet been able to tackle this breakfast issue because of my laziness as well but some of the healthier things I have been able to incorporate in our routine has definitely improved our health overall. Unfortunately, hubs does not take eggs so the protein has to be made up from somewhere else which is as yet I am unsure of.

One Apple a Day keeps Cravings Away

One good thing hubs has is not munching and eating unnecessarily. He has a limited appetite when compared to my voracious one. And, he also has a very limited meal needs. I am the one who needs variety and I so wish there was someone at my beck and call.

Anyways, so to make our breakfasts more fulfilling and due to lack of time to include fruit in any other meal, we take one apple per day during the breakfast. As a rule, I would recommend the fruit at the end of the breakfast so as to help cleanse the teeth as well but eating fruits on empty stomach is also a good idea!!

photo credit: abbyladybug via photopin cc

Good Ol' Dalia or Oats

Did I tell you I suffer from borderline cholesterol? Yup and what else can come to my rescue but the oats. Yes, I love dalia as well. I did not use to like it much but over the years palates have changed. If you are taking oats, I would suggest you to go sugarless way but then considering even I do not find it palatable, a bit of sugar can do no harm. 

Lets go nutty

I love nuts - cashews or walnuts or almonds. I do go easy on the raisins and dates and pistas and all other dry fruits. But, I totally love pine nuts. We used to get loads of them in Simla from our friends (the fresh produce) but if you go to buy them in the market, you really do not find a fresh produce. 

Anyways, either chop your nuts and store them or powder and store them and sprinkle them on the oats, dalia, sweets, salads, smoothies, milk shakes and what not? Best way to get omegas and good fats. Not only that, I have a huge amount of flax seeds sitting at home. Eating them raw is manageable but I am sure most would hate it so roast them and powder them in small batches and finish within a week or 10 days

photo credit: cygnoir via photopin cc


As much as I love my gol gappas and aloo tikkis, they do not taste yummy unless you are in the right mood and then I am so lazy that getting ready to go out is a huge task. Instead, I can grab a sandwich or something else made at home. In fact, I have been gorging on roasted lotus seeds. I love them and I love chat masala so mix the two and a yummy and filling snack is ready. 

Similarly, I love bread and there is a host of dishes we can do with it. The simplest starts with assembling all the raw salad veggies in between bread slices and my favourite is to mix cheese and onion and salt and put the mix between the slices and toast it in sandwich maker. A few minutes and you get an absolutely lip-smacking dish ready. Well, that is only for cheese and onion lovers though!!

And, finally Tea, Herbal or Not!!

No, I am not much enamoured of the fact that I have become a tea-addict but sometimes when I have been in the mood I have noticed that drinking any herbal tea helps prevent cravings. Specially talking about ginger tea, it is absolutely amazing that how filling it feels after having it. 
Also, a good accompaniment to herbal teas are multi-grain biscuits. Now, it depends on whether you make at home or buy them in the market. I, for one, love the Mcvities brand of biscuits. 

These are a few healthy things which are there in my routine. Forget exercise, forget drinking water and forget proper sleep, none of them are really happening with me. So, if you are going through the same phase as I am, I would suggest t come up with short cut health tips which you can follow without disturbing your schedule too much. 

So, what are your regular health care tips? Those small things which you do in your entire day which does not feel really important but can do wonders in the longer run. A small routine change, a simple inclusion of a meal plan or a brisk walk of 10 minutes - what is your secret? 

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Vampires and Hunks

don't you think him yummy!! ok, a secret...he looks even more yummy when naked :D Nah, I am not a fan of guy skin show, honestly, but CAN'T resist this guy!!

So, Vampire Diaries has started with a big bang and I am totally loving this season. No, its not my favorite vampirish show. Mine is True Blood and I totally love the hunk in it. In fact, I have never loved any other guy as much on screen. No Tom Cruise or SRK or any one else!!!

I can go gaga over this guy just like a teenage girl. Anyways, I am trying to control my screech right now. I totally lose it when ever I see him :D I am so crazy about him that I had already done a post on him long back around in May or June.

And, I am so desperately waiting for the next season of True Blood. The cliffhanger was fantastical with Billith. Ok, I know this post is really boring for others so there is something for you as well which you can share in the comments.

So, which car do you drive? Mine is aquarius. Yup, I do prefer buses and public transport :D

What I am doing for my Skin and Hair this Winter? {Skin Care}

Btw, did I share with you guys that I am in Delhi and the weather is decidedly chilly and dry and my skin is really not doing that well without a moisturiser. Not that Hyderabad is not equally dry, though. So, how are you thinking of taking care of your skin from the onset of winters. Have you prepared it for the change in weather?

So, once upon a time when I had written about winter skin care, I had mentioned that our skin care regime starts with having a bath in a day but now I would like to change it a bit. Our skin care regime starts with how we start the day and what we eat. As it is, we take less water in winters and if the body lacks good fats, skin does tend to get dry. 

Tip #1 - Water does not hydrate your skin!!

Okay, so a very common misconception is that if we drink 10-12 glasses of water, it should be enough to hydrate the skin from inside out. Well, that is not so! Water is necessary to maintain hydration levels but not enough. So, what out body needs is good fat and omega 3 and vitamin E for keeping soft and supple. 

Solution : Load on the nut even before the winters set. If you do take any smoothies or oats or other cereals, put a spoonful of nuts in it. Otherwise, powder the nuts together and eat them with your meals once or twice a day. Another good option is flax seeds or alsi beej (in hindi). Roast them and powder them. Consume within 10 days. 

Tip #2 - Moisturize inside the shower!!

I have always recommended layering, specially in winters. But, an even better option which is helping me get through these days is moisturising inside the shower. Take your lotion with you and once you wipe yourself off, moisturize immediately. Forget the 3-minute moisturization rule. And, remember this instead. 

The skin is plump and extremely absorbent in the shower due to the heat and immediate cleansing so it drinks up the moisturiser or body oil you apply and prevents the water from escaping keeping your skin hydrated for an entire day. 

Sometimes, if your skin is extremely dry, you might need to apply the body lotion again in the later half of the day. At that time, you can use your toner and dampen your skin and then follow with the moisturiser; unless you take bath twice in a day!

Tip #3 - Sugar is your best friend right now!

Still feeling dry? Moisturising is not enough? Your skin needs regular exfoliation in the winters. And, you really do not want to use anything else right now. Sugar is hydrating as well as exfoliating so it is your best bet. I would recommend the homemade body polish which makes my skin absolutely amazing twice a week! Unless you have acne-prone skin in which case you need gentler exfoliation.

Another tip I would love to include here is that dry brushing should be a regular in your daily routine. It helps increase the skin cell turnover everyday and helps the body lotions and oils to get absorbed better in the skin. Also, it prevents the dry skin itch almost all day long.

Tip #4 - Not only hair but scalp also dries out!!

So, when you are busy taking care of your skin, do not forget that taking good care of scalp will keep the blood flowing to the follicles and promote hair growth which is generally less in the winter months. Also, scalp can get dry and tighten so I moisturise my scalp with 2-3 drops of pomegranate oil. You could also try out grapeseed oil for the oily skin or hair. 

Tip #5 - And, get going!! 

Do not ditch the early morning exercises in favor of warm blankets because it will make you lazier and prone to junk food cravings. And, in turn, cause you to accumulate more fat and make your skin dull. A fresh morning exercise can rev up your blood circulation as well making your skin well-accustomed to the weather changes. 

And, the bonus tip - Do not forget the sunscreen. Winter sun is just as strong as the summer one because UVA rays are still aging your skin.

These were my secret tips for skin and hair this winter. Now, its your turn. What are your special and secret tips for skin and hair care in winters?

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