How long has it really been since I have sat down and talked? To myself as well. So, what I did today? I gotta hair cut and I cut down my entire hair up to the shoulders! So, yup, the growing session will again start.
Yay, I lost quite a bit of weight and that too without doing anything!! So, that is another positive change. And, then, I have started learning how to cook so that is something which is taking a lot of my time. Though, its a different issue that if I sit in front of my lappy, I totally forget everything else! Gotta change that.
Been quite long since I have read anything properly so have to work on it. And, I have to find a proper time to do that! Now, I have started knowing how lazy I am. Btw, the latest craze for me these days is Agatha Christie's Poirot. Recently, they had finally ended the show and it was so darn good that I am watching reruns of it every moment.
And, yes, one more thing. Coming back to blogging is not quite as easy as I had supposed. So, thanks a lot for sticking with me. In fact, I do have a couple of products to review and the brands had offered giveaways as well so let us see how does that work out!!
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