

Thursday, October 22, 2015

What do you think of new Barbie? {Your Opinion}

I have never been a doll girl. I have had only two dolls in my life and the second was after the first was thrown out and the second survives till day inside its poly-cover. I was more of the stuffed toy gal but still all my toys are surviving till date and proudly displayed on the drawing room shelf.

The worst damage has been done, in fact, by the kids who used to frequent out house a few years back to my mickey mouse who has lost one of its eye and the nose has come off :( But, I totally love it. Its my sweetest mickey :) Nothing can ever replace it and, thankfully, my mom has never thrown it away.

Anyways, a few days back I came across the extra-glammed up version of the classic Barbie and she is even more glitzy and dolled up. Dontchya think? I really think Barbie has a very wrong effect on children. They get wrong ideas about how should they carry themselves. Look at the sparkles. What do you say?